Be Safe

Some Sad News stories first from Dev:

Sheriff’s officials say 18-year-old North Pulaski County firefighter Eric Goforth and another man were riding an all-terrain vehicle when the passenger’s 9 mm handgun fell out of a pocket and into a mud puddle about 5:30 p.m. Friday.

Officers say when the passenger picked up the gun and tried to clear a round from its chamber, the weapon discharged. The bullet struck the passenger in the hand and hit Goforth in the back.

Goforth later died at a hospital.

No idea what caused this, if either the trigger was pulled, or the live round bumped the ejector and discharged. Either way, it was a blatant Rule #2 Violation. Don’t let the muzzle cover ANYTHING you don’t wish to destroy, that includes your body parts and body parts of your friends.

Next from the Bubblehead Les News Network.

The 7-year-old daughter of a Washington state police officer died Sunday after being accidentally shot by her brother, Q13 Fox reports.

The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office said the siblings were in a silver van when the brother found the gun in the glove compartment. The brother then accidentally shot the sister inside the vehicle.

I’m horrified the number of these incidents that involve the family of Police officers. As a general rule if there are going to be young children around your gun it should be unloaded, and/or locked. Also all children, even if you don’t own guns and will never own guns should know the Eddie Eagle Safety Program, and older kids should know the 4 rules, because you never know where your kids are going to be, and intuitive things like the mythical Police officer is highly trained and would NEVER leave a loaded, unsecured gun in a van where kids are playing. They should KNOW that playing with a gun is just as dangerous as matches or sharp objects.

BTW the anti-rights forces are against safety training, the only answer is they want MORE of these so they can blog about them.

Be safe out there, and NEVER assume that because you may not own guns, or live in a gun free home, or even live in a place hostile to lawful gun owners does NOT mean that gun safety is irrelevant. Even in DC cops have guns, even in Boston Criminals have guns, and the criminals don’t care about the law, and saddly many cops think they’re above the law.

Also if you’re reading this blog you’re probably a gun owner, and probably somebody who carries on a regular basis, you probably are also somebody who regularly trains and takes safety VERY seriously. While you might want to take an extra moment and make sure you’re being safe, Also remember its our job to reach out. We need to teach the people who are uninitiated, because those are the lives we can save!

Its worth it!

Be safe out there!

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0 Responses to Be Safe

  1. Paul Kanesky says:

    We teach our children to buckle up when getting into a car
    We teach our children to swim
    We teach our children to look both ways to cross a street
    It seems strange not to teach our children firearms safety.
    Our friends will buckle up our children in their car
    If our friend has a pool, they take precautions to protect our children
    I guess the anti-rights types don’t want our children to learn gun safety in order to use any tragic shooting in their efforts to ban guns.
    Paul in Texas

    • Weerd Beard says:

      We teach our kids not to talk to strangers, and not to trust people who they aren’t familiar with. Also if somebody touches them inapropreatly or hurts them to tell us.

      We don’t do it because there’s a pedo or an abuser in the home, or on the block, but because we know our protection only goes so far, and we want to err on the side of caution.

      The antis throw caution to the wind, and have the stones to call US reckless!

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Remember, according to the Antis, only the Police and the Military are allowed to have Firearms.

    So the little girl died at the hands of an “Official Only Ones” Firearm Owner.

    So even if the Antis had their way, this little girl would have died.

    So what’s their Excuse THIS time?

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