Morning Question

From Joan:

Body armor, weapons in SUV stolen in Atlanta, who needs body armor??

The tweet links to this story where (once you get past posting links are above Joan’s skillset) some sort of security contractor’s truck was stolen, and the truck had guns and body armor stolen.

I suspect the body armor wasn’t the target of the theft, but like the truck and guns, it’ll have a street value to be sold.

But let’s look at Joan’s poorly thought-out question. “Who needs body armor?” Well, Police do, since every department I can think of issues ballistic vests to officers. I suspect when they say “Overseas private security” that generally means contractors working in war zones and other high-risk theaters, so armor isn’t a bad idea either.

But we’re talking about Joan Peterson here, and on her twitter account! All she talks about is people getting shot, and adding restrictions on lawful gun owners.

If she actually means what she says, wouldn’t SHE want her family and friends, as well as herself dressed in Level II Kevlar?

Or maybe she just wants to ban guns… Is there an #occamsrazor hashtag?

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0 Responses to Morning Question

  1. Pat says:

    Joan has ceased with logic.

    As she points out numerous times, her blog isn’t intended for “pro-gun” people (even though thats 95% of her audience) — what shes going for is to establish any, even remotely, firearms-related story or incident is evidence that all firearm enthusists are crazy nutjobs endangering those around them.

    But, shes “not out to get your guns”. I think she’d make more hay if she was honest about her real goals…but…

  2. Jake says:

    “who needs body armor??”

    Heck, I know a guy who owned body armour because the private ambulance service he worked for frequently sent him to Richmond. On at least one occasion, he came back with a bullet hole in his ambulance.

    I hear most medics in DC also carry body armour and will stop to put it on before responding to certain areas. Which should be odd, considering DC has the toughest gun laws in the nation. It’s almost like gun bans don’t work, or something!

  3. SGB says:

    Joan is proof positive that the practice of thinking doesn’t work. Her ability to reason is less than the height of a red blood cell.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    Who needs Body Armor, Joan? Why, all those Tax Payer Funded Body Guards who you think can save your Butt when the Goblins are breaking into your House and you called 911 and are waiting and waiting and waiting…..

  5. thirdpower says:

    So on one hand they tell us that CCW holders are running rampant, school shootings are epidemic, and all those mind control chips in ‘assault weapons’ are going to cause thousands to start spray firing from the hip on the streets.

    On the other hand, they tell us we’re paranoid for wanting to defend ourselves passively or actively.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep and all those laws against murder and assault are worthless…but a “Safe Storage” law or mandatory background checks will bring crime to its knees!

      If they were smart they wouldn’t be anti-gun!

  6. Greg Camp says:

    Armor, shmarmor. I have a CZ vz. 52 that’ll punch a round through your body armor.

    But seriously, this is part of the general attitude on the part of these New Age types that we all ought to be vulnerable. Then we go to Oprah’s couch and talk about it. See?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I gots one of thems too. And yes 85 grain 7.62×25 Military ball does consistently defeat Type II armor.

      narrow bullet going REALLY fast can do quite a bit. BTW I was listening to the Practical Defense Podcast where Doc Wesson mentioned that 115gr 9×19 ball ammo is REALLY nasty to armor just because of the speed and shape of the bullet.

  7. AuricTech says:

    Who cares about “need”? “Want” and “can afford” are sufficient conditions for having body armor*. I was already considering picking up a set of US PALM Defender Level IIIA soft body armor; the chance to spite Joan is moving the “want” meter toward such a purchase. Maybe I’ll get plates to go with it…. 😀

    *Or pretty much anything else, though it seems that the Occupy folks believe that their “want” can impose a “can afford” obligation on me.

  8. Gerald says:

    I hate to sound heartless, but her sister definitley had a need for it. I know if I had a crazy, criminal ex spouse, i’d be wearing body armor, carrying a gun, or both.

  9. Braden Lynch says:

    Heck, I want the APC from the “Aliens” movie for my transportation and the Mobile Infantry Suit from “Starship Troopers” (as in the book, not the movie) for my armor.

    It’s funny that Joan does not want us to have body armor, since it could save lives. I refuse to read her drivel (so maybe she gave a lame excuse), but how can she justify opposition to it?

    Since her side opposes firearm safety training and body armor, her true agenda would appear to be for more bloodshed to further her cause to ban all firearms (except for VIPs, military, police and the criminals, who can get them regardless of the laws).

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