Color Me Suprised

Ohio shooter had a Juvenile record.

A judge has released seven pages of juvenile court records on a school shooting suspect in Ohio, including an assault case in late 2009 at age 15.

T.J. Lane allegedly choked and punched another male. He entered the juvenile court equivalent of a guilty plea to a reduced misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct and was given a suspended sentence of up to 30 days in jail.

The records on that case and a traffic ticket were released by a judge Wednesday in Chardon, east of Cleveland, at the request of media outlets.

We talked about this after Arizona. Seems the anti-freedom people are always the ones to say the government needs to restrict liberty, but they’re the last person to speak up when they KNOW somebody is a danger. In Virginia Sung Cho was not only known, but adjudicated mentally ill and dangerous, but sought no help, and nobody spoke up, yet they ALL said they were scared of him after the fact.

Jared Loughner was expelled at school for his mental instability, and he has a long record of arrests and dismissal of charges thanks to a bleeding heart system.

Of course we have Nidal Hasan who was an outright Jihadi terrorist, but the Army overlooked his behavior in fear of being “Politically Incorrect”, and most of his peers went along out of fear of career suicide.

On the Brady Board, how long do you suppose Joan Peterson knew her Brother-in-Law was a dangerous and violent man? Did she say anything? Nope. But its gun owners fault her sister was killed, not her inaction.

With maybe the exception of Charles Whitman who likely was rendered insane by an undiagnosed brain tumor, almost all of these spree shooters leave a bunch of harbingers for their future plans behind.

If you see something, say something. Your have more influence and insight over your family and friends than any .gov authority figure.

And carry your damn gun, because you never know when some coward was too concerned about hurting somebody’s feelings than the potential of people getting killed by their psycho friend of family member.

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0 Responses to Color Me Suprised

  1. Jake says:

    Even Whitman left signs. He saw a psychiatrist a few of months before the shootings, who wrote: “This massive, muscular youth seemed to be oozing with hostility…that something seemed to be happening to him and that he didn’t seem to be himself.” and even more ominously, “He readily admits having overwhelming periods of hostility with a very minimum of provocation. Repeated inquiries attempting to analyze his exact experiences were not too successful with the exception of his vivid reference to ‘thinking about going up on the tower with a deer rifle and start shooting people’.” (from Wikipedia, citing from Austin American-Statesman. March 29, 1966. Emphasis mine.)

    It’s extraordinarily rare for someone to just off and murder people without any advance warning signs, absent extreme direct provocation. So much so that you could probably say it never happens and be essentially correct – I expect the instances where it does happen amount to statistical ‘noise’.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh, I hadn’t known about Whitman’s Psychiatrist. I just knew he was a “Good boy gone bad” and that they pulled a substantial tumor out of his Mellon.

      Even tumors don’t come from nowhere to psycho killer.

      Thanks for the infor, even my Devil’s Advocate is making my case.

  2. Greg Camp says:

    Aw, the poor boy was just misunderstood. He needed more hugs.

    Turn reality back on.

    O.K., what he needed, it appears, was a good swift kick in the behind from a real adult, followed by an offer from the same person of help. Where have the real adults gone?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      What he’ll probably get is “Life Without Parole”, and be back on the streets in 20 years.

      Hopefully when he’s out, and he tries to rape or kill somebody, his intended victim shoots and kills him and solves the problem.

  3. Pyrotek85 says:

    This is slightly off topic, but since you mentioned Joan, I thought I’d take a peek at her site since I hadn’t been reading it much recently. Is it just me, or are there far fewer comments than there used to be?

    It looks like most of us either gave up or were banned lol

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Joan deletes 99% of all comments now. Reality is not something she likes to see anymore.

      I won’t be suprised if after the crushing blow of Minnesota getting a Castle Doctrine, she doesn’t shut her comments down entirely like her compatriot Mr. Kilgore.

      • Pat says:

        Joan went off the deep end (not a long trip) with her lack of logic — and hasn’t come back. Hence, no more comments…its not worth arguing with a 4yr old with her fingers in her ears.

        We’re holding an open-carry party if “Stand Your Ground” passes — I was disappointed that the Joyce Foundation didn’t give the MN antis enough funds this year to sponser a demonstration at the capitol. I was all set to try and interview Joan — oh well, I’m sure she’ll come out of the woodwork for constitutional carry and supressors next session.

        • Cargosquid says:

          Joan has stopped “arguing” or presenting anything other than completely emotional anecdotes ever since the Candle Vigils. She has become even MORE willfully ignorant or willfully obtuse. She’s moved even farther into reading the worst intentions into everything done or said by any gunny. Her readership, ie, the gunnies that argue with her, have stopped coming by, even to educate any lurkers that might be on the fence. I used to stop by every few days…now its about every week to 10 days, if then, usually when Weer’d has something up. But she’s become boring.
          She does have a link in the latest to the CSGV that talks about our use of the term “blood dancer”.
          And I will state that some gun owners do not help the cause by words, actions, or….pictures. DO NOT click that link at the end of her current post. What is seen cannot be UNSEEN.

          • Pyrotek85 says:

            I think you’re right, that vigil is about when it happened. I had just noticed that usually there would be dozens of replies back and forth (the ones that get accepted anyways), but now it’s more like 5-6.

            Oh well, it was entertaining while it lasted, but maybe we’ll still see a cool freak out if Minnesota gets more pro-gun laws passed, like stand-your-ground as Weerd mentioned.

  4. Rob Crawford says:

    To quote Dr. Helen Smith quoting herself:

    It’s like the old Saturday Night Live “Shooting of Buckwheat” episode. Over and over again people who knew the killer said
    “he was a nice boy, quiet and well-behaved.” But when asked if they were surprised that he shot Buckwheat, they responded “Oh, no. It’s all he ever talked about.” The Saturday Night Live sketchwriters were onto something. These kids do not strike without warning. Look beneath the surface and you will find that, all along the way, these teens have been giving signals that others ignored. What is amazing is that most adults are willing to look the other way even when
    the signals are obvious.

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