Crush Those Stereotypes

Shelly has a great post up called “Taking Your Man to the Range” Shelly reminds me of Joe’s Word Substitution game to expose bigotry.

The key is that shooting is NOT one-size-fits all, and that includes men’s and women’s sizes. My buddy Vector is a total dude, but he has small hands and prefers revolvers. Does this make him a woman? Christina, being a Massage therapist has amazingly powerful hands, but they’re also large. She REALLY likes the feel of double-stack semi-autos in her hands. Does this make her less of a woman?

Of course not, it just means we’re all different and like different things.

And just to dispel even more myths, Kelly has a great write-up on Monday’s trip to the range. Now scroll down to that last picture. That was our lovely host Shootin’ Buddy with my Kahr PM45, now let’s g33k out on the stats, fully loaded that gun weighs 24oz (I think its 19 empty with magazine) and its in .45 ACP. Not to brag but for its size and weight really only S&W Scandium-framed .357 Magnums pack more power to the oz…and even there we can debate.

So the gun’s no joke. Also Shootin’ Buddy is no Amazon Woman who has an Olympic Power-lifting Medal that she won for East Germany in the 80s. Nope, just your regular metropolitan-type lady.

That picture was snapped several seconds after I handed her the gun and a magazine and asked her to give it a try. She peeked at the gun, noted the “Dot-the-i” sights were a little different than the ones she’s used to, and then loaded and made ready.

Shortly after this picture she had gone 5-for-5 on the steel plate rack.

She’d never handled the gun before, and her only complaint was it was a little “Flippy” (yeah its a 3″ 17oz .45, they’ll do that!).

This wasn’t too-much gun for a Woman, not by half. Everybody is different, and one size will NEVER fit all!

Oh and shooting is loads of fun!

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0 Responses to Crush Those Stereotypes

  1. Silverevilchao says:

    “Christina, being a Massage therapist has amazingly powerful hands, but they’re also large. She REALLY likes the feel of double-stack semi-autos in her hands. Does this make her less of a woman?”

    No, it makes her a She-Hulk. 😉

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