Dick Move

Wow, go hop over to the Serious Gun Blog for a look at this incident at SHOT show.

Seems that a blogger was doing video interviews with various people at SHOT, and when he came to Ed Brown not only did he refuse a short interview, but he was a total dick. Check out the first video where at the end he has video of Brown’s booth where he obviously wasn’t being mobbed, and certainly had 2-3 mins to plug his fine products.

Now compare and contrast with the 2nd Video with Les Baer himself. Not only does Les make some kickass 1911s, but like many of these small-shop boutique gun makers he’s a downright nice guy. I know at the NRA con last year while waiting for the Anti-gun march to show up I got chatting with a nice guy about this and that. Then I looked at his badge and it said “Dan Coonan” on it. He invited me down to his booth where we chatted a bit longer about his awesome .357 1911s….but I expressed a LOT more interest in his FAL receivers, and he seemed to enjoy taking a break from talking about 1911s to talk about his other, lesser known passion. Never once did he expect me to know him from Adam, nor did he seem particularly concerned with my status as either just a regular NRA member, a blogger, or some big media mogul, and he seemed a little flattered when I stared asking him the story behind why the Coonan .357 guns had vanished for a number of years and had re-emerged recently.

We’re all in this together, and its a damn shame when a product supplier starts taking their customers for granted. In full disclosure I’m of a mind that if I was going to drop the kind of money on a 1911, I’d just as soon hire a smith to do the building specifically for me. That being said, I know a bunch of people who own guns on this price level, and I’m sure there are more who are saving their pennies right now.

I might suspect that interviews like this do have meaning to those people.

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0 Responses to Dick Move

  1. BobG says:

    The guy sounds like a real dick.

  2. Linoge says:

    On the one hand, Ed should not have blown off the interviewer quite that abruptly, if the interviewer is recounting events in an honest and forthright fashion.

    On the other hand, you do not give Ed frickin’ Brown (much less any other adult, male human being) the “come here child, you are in trouble” finger-wiggle.

    Both were dicks. Seems to be the going thing these days.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well you’re only hearing one side…but you do get to see his other interviews so he hardly seems like a Farago-type.

      That being said he’s pissed and shocked from having one and only one booth act dickish to him for all of SHOT.

      The finger waive was a bit dickish, and the claim to crush his buisness in 2013 strikes me as arrogant wishful thinking.

      Overall I saw the message as worth passing on.

  3. Gudis says:

    Oh no, if Ed Brown goes out of business we won’t be able to find anyone else to sell us retardedly expensive 1911s.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      You haven’t seen the SHOT show presentations from Nighthawk Custom.

      Man those guys make some scary expensive 1911s…and honestly I couldn’t tell you WHY they’re so spendy.

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