Why I’d Like to see a 2nd Term

He’s the President of reading speeches and signing bills that make it to his desk (even when they may be pro-gun or pro-freedom bills). He’s not the President for actually DOING things.

Given that what he would do if he were to actually do something other than play golf and bow to foreign leaders would be stuff that would make my life miserable and further cripple the country, that’s a pro not a con.

Meanwhile look at people like Gingrich and Romney. These guys are DOERs not famewhores. Also they’ll have party hacks that will get behind them in doing what they want done.

Now look at what they’d want to do…compare that with George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Now who would you think would be better for America.

Bonus add that if we see a President Romney, or a President Gingrich the party hacks will call the election a Mandate on Centrist, Big-Government Authoritarian Republicans. After that who do you think will be the next candidates to step up to the plate for the GOP?

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0 Responses to Why I’d Like to see a 2nd Term

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    I disagree with your thought that Obama’s not a Doer. He does a Lot, he just allows the Cabinet and the Tzars to be put in the Spotlight. He’s keeping his Hands Clean, is all. Granted, he may be using the Committee System to come to a “Final Solution” (okay, I had to sneak in Godwin’s Law, sue me), but I doubt anyone in his Admin that’s close to his level would do anything w/o his approval. Sure, in the early days of his Admin, there were some “Loose Cannons” like Van Jones rolling around, but do you think Ken Salazar at Interior and Eric Holder at Justice do what they do w/o Barry’s Approval? That’s why one has “Evil Minions.” It’s THEIR job to take the Heat.

    Of course, this doesn’t mean that the Permanent Professionals in the Gooberment won’t just “keep on keeping on” in their niches until the Bosses in DC catch them “going off the Reservation.” But the Bureaucracy knows that they’ll be another Temporary Boss down the Road, and the Regional Director of the Farm Bureau in Topeka, for example, will just do what he’s always done until Washington takes notice.

    But don’t assume that the “Teleprompter Jesus” isn’t in Charge. He might have Strings attached, but his Ego is so Big, he’d claim that he put Armstrong on the Moon if he could get away with it. And I doubt that if, push comes to shove, Barry would roll over and play dead just because someone is yanking his chain.

    And Most Presidents are like that. One doesn’t get to the Top w/o having to owe people, and few People run for the Presidency thinking that they’ll just kick back and chill.

    I expect whoever the Republitards nominate, IF they win, that “the Era of Big Government is Over” idea will NOT be in play. 435 Representatives and a 100 Senators won’t allow it. Which is why Paul doesn’t have a Snow Balls Chance to get stuff done IF he makes it to the Oval Office.

    Bottom Line is this: Do you like a Cow Turd Sammich, or do you prefer Pork Turd?
    But if Barry gets a second chance, he’s a Lame Duck, and if the Senate stays DemaCommie, I think he’ll take off the Kid Gloves and Go for It, knowing there’s No Way In Hell he’d be Impeached.

    Which is why I’m Voting “R” in November. I know I’ll be getting a Turd Sammich, I just want a Different Flavor.

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