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Just saw this video over at Every Day No Days Off

Linoge leaves this comment:

Oh. Good. A movie that accurately portrays how anti-rights cultists think we all behave.

I would point out that also showing the crass stalker-like behavior and extensive hatefulness from “Progressives”, its pretty clear that “Progressives” secretly harbor a desire to kill or harm those who disagree with them.

Read any blog by Ladd Everett, you think he’s motivated by anything but hate? Ask any self-described “Progressive” what they think about Sarah Palin. Heck just listen to any anti-gun article about what might happen if a pointless law is repealed. “Blood in the Streets”, “Gunfights over parking spaces”, “Simple Arguments will turn into murder”.

Really it seems there is a LOT of violent fantasy on the anti-rights sides, and it appears in this trailer this is that “Fantasy” made in images.

What do you think?

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0 Responses to Discussion Topic

  1. bluesun says:

    Makes me wonder what I’m motivated by. Not hatred, noooo…

    Hmmmm, what could it be… something… the word is on the tip of my tongue… what is it?

    Bacon. Yep, that’s definitely it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I was thinking on the line of “Individual liberty” or just “being a grown-up”.

      I like being my own man, and having my own family and taking care of them. I also like that my parents are no longer authority figures to me. They did their part raising me, and I left the nest and set out on my own.

      I don’t like the government wanting to be my parent, and I don’t like to be obligated to them.

      I also respect this in others. If somebody wants to do something I don’t like, they can!

      Meanwhile “Progressives” see somebody doing something they don’t like and they say “Well if they won’t do what I say, we should HURT THEM!”

      Not a healthy attitude.

      • bluesun says:

        Well, yeah. But Bacon can still be a good example of individual liberty and personal responsibility. “Bringing home the bacon” and all.

      • Jack says:

        The right to do the wrong thing is paramount.
        Without the ability to make a mistakes there can be no choice.

        That’s what’s so telling when they make appeals to “efficiency” to prevent people from wasting resources and time.

        They’ll only accept your choice if you make the “right” one.

        What’s interesting about that movie is how self indulgent it is. Not once are they stopped by -well- anyone. Armed citizen or police.

        No, it’s the fantasy of “the right” people being the ultimate arbiter of what is acceptable social conduct and opinions.

        At least in the Death Wish films Bronson went after murders, rapists and actual violent criminals. Not people who are simply annoying jerks.

  2. Pat says:

    I’m going to have to check NetFlix — but isn’t this a slightly more violent and ridiculous remake of Falling Down?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Depends on how its done. I’m a big fan of falling down. Still while Michael Douglas’s character is sympathetic, I don’t think his violent acts were ever glorified (tho the trailer did make it SEEM that way, and I remember expecting that when I went to the theater) but really the only person who was legitimately impressed by “DeFens” violent acts is the Neo-Nazi Surplus store owner (ahh the 90s of COURSE he was a Nazi, he had a GUN!) and DeFens was DISGUSTED by him.

      So Falling down has elements of this, but from what I see in the trailer is a LOT more pre-meditation, and the fact that he knows he’s going to die from the start also seems to make this look a LOT more morally bankrupt. But we’ll see.

  3. Is is their fantasy in images. Possibly. Frankly I thought it was funny as hell. I know they have a problem separating truth from falsality but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a movie.

    Should I have hated Zombieland because they would consider Tallahassee’s character the perfect example of their “Redneck perception”?

    Just because I’ve been to the movie theater and dealt with annoying asshats like that doesn’t mean I’d shoot them. Hell my dad had his gun when dealing with asshats like that and no one was shot. As someone who drives a full size truck and fits it into a single parking space width I fully sympathize with the ending of the trailer where the guy in the small car takes up two spots. Note, technically I take up two spots but that’s in depth, because I’m longer than the parking space!

    So, do I laugh at that, yeah. Why because it’s being used to point the finger at the spoiled children of society. At the inconsiderate in society. At people who overall have no respect for those they share the planet with.

    That is their perception of gun owners except there is one serious problem, they can’t actually display incidents like this happening from the law abiding.

    Honestly if I got my death sentence from a doctor like the main character does I can understand going off “Falling Down” style. I’m not too thrilled at the large number of “innocents”, however from the trailer it appears his targets are those who are a detriment to society and the problems.

    It all depends on what lens you use to view the film. This movie is by no means representative of real life and to let a bunch of lunatic dumb asses who can’t separate fact from fiction dictate what you watch for entertainment is just STUPID. So instead of trumping the 2nd they now start destroying entertainment in movies!? Why the hell are we going to cede that beech!?

    Who the hell cares what those dumb ass lunatics think? Seriously? They’re going through the stages of grief, why do I care about them!? Are you noticing a pattern? They are politically dying and no one pays attention to them. The past two efforts to raise support by them has blown up in their face. This movie is a work of fiction and we’re flipping out over how they’re going to view it? WTF?

    *Barron just walks off confused*

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Zombieland was awesome, and while the various characters were meant to be sympathetic, and also for us to see a bit of us in all of them….its also in a world mostly devoid of people, so the fact that they survived makes them more “Supermen” than “just like us”.

      Of course the Comedy is that yeah we all understand why Mad Max and Lord Humungous thrived in the violent wastelands, we don’t see so much of that in the group in Zombieland.

      Also Tallahasse’s hidden backstory suddenly makes him into a much more respectable character, so if anything its a pretty valid observation about “Rednecks” and “Gun Nuts”. They may seem gruff, brutish and scary, but they’re human, and they love and hurt as much as you or I.

      • Exactly,
        Honestly the thought of what could have happened without my mom or I around when my dad got his diagnosis is down right scary.

        He had a list of people that by god if he was going to go he was taking them with him. Instead he spent his time doing his best to ensure his family was taken care of knowing he was on borrowed time. If you have no family, you’re on borrowed time, what else do you have to loose. Damn skippy I sympathize with the main character in that trailer. I think most of us have a list of people that if there were no consequences that we wouldn’t mind doing society a little help at some selective application of chlorine to particular parts of the pool. That’s the thing though, we know there are consequences, we value life, and that’s why we don’t do those things.

        As Tam points out, who doesn’t dream of knee capping Fred Phelps. The movie is dark yes, but there’s still a lesson in it. Don’t be a dick, one day you may piss off the one guy who has absolutely nothing to loose.

        The guy that pulls out his phone and records them in the theater, I consider that the Brady Campaign, I’m recording this because you’re breaking the law. And it didn’t stop shit now did it.

        See what I did there!? I turned it all on its freaking head. It’s a movie, it’s a dark movie, it’s a black comedy. I am one of those that has a serious issue with laughing at the death of a person, even in a movie. I was disturbed when I saw Kill Bill in the movie theater and people laughed at the beginning when Uma Therman’s character was shot in the head. I found absolutely nothing funny about it.

        Flash forward to this though. It isn’t the fact that people are dying that’s funny, it’s that all those mother !@#$ing !@#$hooks that we really wish would just go die in a fire, well someone starts applying chlorine for us. It’s funny because we sympathize with being annoyed and pissed off at people who behave like that.

        Just watching the video Jay posted yesterday on the Patriot Guard makes you want to go out and shoot up the Phelps clan. This has nothing to do with portraying gun owners and everything with showing that when you act like a dick people will hate you. They will hate you to the point that they will laugh when you are shot in a movie (which isn’t real) because they sympathize with the character. They will see behavior in the movie that is representative of something else they find deplorable. And in the end the viewers are the people that will not give two shits when you finally kick the bucket.

        Just because someone acts like a dick to me doesn’t mean I’ll shoot him. Doesn’t even mean the thought will cross my mind. I am liable to remember later when someone shows that dickish attitude on screen and they get it and chuckle while remembering it.

  4. Bob S. says:

    I can’t wait for this movie to come out.

    The dark comedy genre hasn’t had good movie in a long time.

    The added benefit will be seeing all the antis referencing a comedy movie to depict gun owners — gun owners like Joan Peterson and her husband.

  5. Tam says:

    Like you’ve never considered kneecapping Phred Phelps, not even for a second?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh no doubt! But that fantasy is strange because I CAN. I have lots of guns and Phelps keeps himself wide in the open and publicizes his display. I also know he care’s more about lawsuits against grieving families who he goaded to assault him and collapsing the 2nd Amendment than he is at all about gays or war or even Jesus.

      That “Fantasy” all starts looking like the last scene in Se7en…which is an awesome film…but no place I’d EVER want to be. But I’m WAYYYY in my head like that.

      But I’m also upset when I hear about people like Jeffery Dahmer or Father Geoghan as a horrible miscarriage of justice. Did these people do more harm than good in life? Yep. Was there anything good that was going to come from them? Probably not. Is it OK that they were murdered in prison. Nope.

      They don’t keep me awake at night, they were bad, so I don’t lose much sleep about it…but its also not something I HOPE for.

  6. LMB says:

    I can’t get mad at this. I just rolled my eyes and wished I had my 2 minutes back.

  7. Lokidude says:

    I’m with Barron and Bob. That looked damn hilarious. Especially the girl. Dark as hell, but hilarious. Like Kick Ass, with more funny.

  8. Dave says:

    Meh, I don’t really think it’s going to go anywhere. The only people who will take it seriously are the people who already think we’re lunatics.

  9. Kristopher says:

    Actually, the leftards who think we are lunatics are the ones rooting for the protagonist.

    This is their wish fulfillment, not mine.

  10. Kristopher says:

    Actual gun-owners aren’t out there shooting people for parking stupid or making noise in theatres.

    They shoot people for attempting to inflict violent crime on them.

    I’d prefer a movie where one of the patrons returns fire on the schoolgirl with the pistol. Or a teacher shoots the protagonist in the face for shooting a student. But then that would be one short fucking movie, wouldn’t it?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Also how many people do you think had this magical combination:
      a) Had a loaded gun
      b) Were in close proximity to Fred Phelps
      c) Thought he was a repugnant son-of-a-bitch

      And compare that number with the number of bullet holes in said asshole.

      Heck look at the gross attacks leveled by the anti-rights extremists against us. From Ladd Everett to Jadegold, there’s a LOT of rude, antisocial, and all-round insane behavior against people who by their accounts are both armed and dangerous…yet they’ve never been touched.

      Do we need any more evidence?

  11. Linoge says:

    Meh. I have better things to watch than some idiot’s wet dream of what people supposedly could/would really do if they had the opportunity/reason to.

    For me (and this is based entirely off the preview), this is no better than the “Saw” franchise.

  12. Jennifer says:

    I’m with Barron and Bob. It’s escapist fiction. It’s just an expansion on that smug little snicker you can’t help but have when that jerk that was weaving through traffic and cutting you off is pulled over on the side of the road when you top that next hill. How many of us have posted the ‘die in a fire’ rants? It doesn’t mean we are actually fantasizing about someone being consumed by flames preferably from their nether regions. They’ve just become the personification of a particular behavior or trait that isn’t conducive to polite society. It’s just far more convenient to say ‘die in a fire’ than ‘have a personal revelation that causes you to abruptly change your ways.’
    Besides, I’ll enjoy laughing at any anti that uses some drivel from Hollywood as an example of how real people behave.

  13. Personally, I think this movie will help the pro-gun argument far more than it will the anti-gun argument. While a large number of people seeing this movie will probably already have their minds made up. Some will not. Some will be fence-sitters dragged to the theatre by the anti hoping to make a point. As our host Weerd has pointed out, his personal turning point on this issue came about when he noticed how much of the anti-gun rhetoric was completely false. Thinking people will notice that normal, everyday people just DON’T go out and shoot people over talking in the theatre, or taking more than one parking space, or being too cheerful or clueless… or….


  14. Justin says:

    You know, I think that sometimes we’re so involved in issues related to the gun culture that we can’t help but look at everything through a particular lens.

    Awhile back, Joan Peterson managed to stumble across a short video, of a first person shooter game. The video can be seen here:


    For anyone who’s even the least bit familiar with gamer culture, or FPS games, it’s extremely clear that this is meant to be a critical parody of FPS games in general.

    Joan, who’s conception and understanding of video games probably starts and stops with the one time she saw a Pac-Man game in a pizza parlor in 1978, was completely incapable of understanding what the video was about, and proceeded to project her limited and insane world view onto a video about a sub-culture of which she was completely ignorant.

    The results were hilarious, and I suggest everyone should go to her blog and read that entry. For a short time after that, I made a habit of posting links to videos that contained guns, but were not about guns, just to see what sort of insanity she’d come up with.

    I could be wrong, but I would suggest holding off on criticizing this movie for being blatantly anti-gun until after it’s been released. The movie was written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait*, who’s known for doing dark comedy and cultural satire, and from his other movies, he tends not to deal in easy caricatures.

    *Yeah, I know, I’m defending Bobcat Goldthwait.

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