Doesn’t Make You Better, Just Dumber

British police are unarmed, and they’re proud of it.

“We are passionate that the British style of policing is routinely unarmed policing. Sadly we know from the experience in America and other countries that having armed officers certainly does not mean, sadly, that police officers do not end up getting shot.”

But one thing is clear. When asked, police officers say overwhelmingly that they wish to remain unarmed.

The story is in reaction to this:

Two unarmed officers were gunned down by a wanted fugitive in the Manchester area of northern England on Tuesday, police said. The dramatic shooting shocked the country, but a top officer dismissed calls to issue his force with more firearms….The man alleged to have carried out the killings, 29-year-old Dale Cregan, surrendered at a local police station shortly after the incident and was booked on suspicion of murder. Cregan had already been the focus of an intense police manhunt as a suspect in two murders last month.

In the UK only the criminals have guns…or knives, in which case the police are still at a strong disadvantage! And the sheep there think those silly hats are going to keep them safe.

This is anti-rights hysteria at its highest. It doesn’t make you better than us, it just makes you smug and dumb! Hell when I was in Costa Rica, for the whole time I was there I never saw Police make so much as a traffic stop, but they were all armed. Looks like Costa Rica asks cops to arm themselves because they had a total hodge-podge of guns and holsters. Seems the only rule was #1. Have a gun and #2 have a holster with a retention strap. I saw everything from one woman with what appeared to be a long-barred SP101 with two speed loaders all in nylon holsters, to a guy with a 1911 in kydex. I also spotted a ton of Glocks, SIGs, and Berettas.

Disarmed cops just mean dead cops!

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5 Responses to Doesn’t Make You Better, Just Dumber

  1. Will Brown says:

    I suspect any cop(s) shot from ambush (as were the two mentioned in the story) are going to be equally at risk whatever tools or equipment they may have on their person at the time. In that situation, the deciding factor is the skill of the ambusher with the chosen weapon.

  2. Joat says:

    Cops not carrying guns isn’t so bad when they can borrow a gun from someone in the crowd when needed.

    Now the people on the street aren’t even allowed to have a useful knife.

  3. wizardpc says:

    Not only did he have a gun, but apparently he also tossed a grenade at them.

    A GRENADE!!!

  4. Ted N says:

    “Stop, or I’ll say stop again!” -Robin Williams

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