Funny, But Not True

The Onion leans pretty far left, but they make me laugh, so I forgive them:

Of course thanks to the Baby Boom, we’re a top-heavy country when you sort by age, and the same boomers who elect Orrin Hatch, John McCain, and have Nominated Mitt Romney, are also the same demographic that elected Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Nominated Gems like Al Gore and John Forbes Kerry.

When the wife and I got news that Mitt had chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate, we got discussing all the kickass “Freshman Class” Republicans out there. Young guns like Bobby Jindal, Allen West, Marko Rubio, Rand Paul, among others. While we’re looking at the miserable choices between Romney, Obama, and a LOOOONG shot of Gary Johnson right now, there are some shining lights down the pike.

Really, while there are many great members of the Boomer crowd, a great political shift will happen once they start to die off in huge numbers.

Also the “report” fails to mention the Democratic lock on “voters” who are long dead before voting day…hence their distaste in voter ID laws!

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0 Responses to Funny, But Not True

  1. Borepatch says:

    What? No Nikki Haley?

  2. MAJ Mike says:

    I currently have three forms of government-issued ID in my wallet — TX Drivers’ License, TX Concealed Carry License, and a retired military ID. How do people live without some sort of ID? If I write a check at the local grocery store, they ask of ID. If I use a credit card, I’m asked for ID. To board an airliner, I must show ID. In the state of TN, I must show ID to purchase beer. To enter a military base, I must show ID. To attend a press conference by Eric Holder, an ID must be presented.

    Those who oppose ID to vote are interested only in voter fraud. But I state the obvious.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      What was great was that in the recent Democrat convention in Massachusetts (Elizabeth Warren had a challenger, we covered it here) all primary voters had to show positive ID to get their ballot, meanwhile the party is lockstep opposed to ID at the general elections.

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