“Gun Death” Decapitation


Police said a Donelson man was found dead overnight in his apartment with his head partially severed, days after he was killed….The man’s brother, Charles Masters, 33, was at the apartment when police arrived and made several unsolicited statements saying he was responsible for killing his brother.

“Among the utterances that Charles Masters made was something to the affect of, that he had been laying in the apartment with his brothers body for the past several days and Charles Masters was hoping that he would wake up and everything would be ok, but that he knew that everything would not be ok,” said Don Aaron of the Metro police department.

Jordan Master’s body also had multiple lacerations apparently inflicted by a sword, which was recovered from the apartment.

Police said Charles Masters also kept some sort of log or diary which is helping investigators determine a sequence of events. It has now been collected as evidence.

A sad story, but a sword is not a gun, so this is not a “Gun Death” so….

h/t WizardPC

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One Response to “Gun Death” Decapitation

  1. Cargosquid says:

    Wait…. What? A sword you say? Doesn’t someone we know wield a sword in a deadly manner?

    Where was Jason Kilgore during all this? Everyone knows that EVERYONE is just law-abiding until they are not! If one person commits a crime with a sword, all sword wielders are guilty! Sword Control NOW! The next head you lose may be your own!

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