“Gun Death” Fargo

The title should tell you everything you need to know:

A small town has united in grief at the horrific death of a six-year-old boy sucked into a wood chipper.

Jeffrey Bourgeois died after getting pulled into the machine while helping his father on a landscaping job one morning during his school holiday in Salem, Connecticut.

The boy was putting a branch into the industrial-sized chipper when it yanked him when his father Scott, 39, momentarily turned his back.

My Dad had a chipper that was really small and not very good, that he sold it. The branches it could eat well were so small you might as well just bust them into kindling. Still recently I saw a crew working on a sick tree that had a LOT of dead branches that were REALLY big. I was watching guys feed these branches that were BIG and probably weighed at least a hundred pounds each get inserted into the blades and then DRAGGED into the machine by its own power. All you need is one of the forks or stubs to hook a glove or a sleeve or your belt and you are FUCKED.

Probably wasn’t the wisest idea to let the kid actually work with the machine…tho its hard to say, as I know I was working a chain saw and other dangerous power tools at maybe 10…

Still, no gun, so no “Gun Death”, so I guess it isn’t really worth discussing it, right?

h/t Bob

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Fargo

  1. For a second I saw “Farago” and thought, “Not him again”. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Pavlov’s Blog! | Weer'd World

  3. ASM826 says:

    How the hell do you go on after that? I don’t think I would ever be worth anything again. It would be like the wall you just keep driving into every day. Every time you wake up. Every time you have a thought.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      A relative of mine was watching his grandson for a weekend while the parents were getting away. Not sure how it exactly happened (the family never really discussed it) but he was found floating in the pool. It was enclosed, but the gate must have been unlatched.

      It was an ugly scar for a long time…probably never went away. This case sure can’t be better…

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