“Gun Death” Messy

If you’re going to do it, do it right!

A LOS ANGELES woman committed suicide using a chainsaw in her townhouse, authorities said today.

Now those who use “Gun Death” as political capital claim to care about suicide….but only “Gun Suicide”, because deaths like this don’t do their cause any good. Also California heavily restricts their gun owners, for all the good it did with this woman.

Frankly I find suicide very sad and very tragic, but also an act that is deeply personal. Americans prefer guns, and 50% of our suicides are “Gun Deaths”….but the other half are deaths like these. Does that make a difference to you? Further do you think by restricting guns it will have much change on suicides?

I doubt it.

h/t Jigsaw

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Messy

  1. Archer says:

    A kid in my middle school, just a year younger than me, killed himself by taking a circular saw to his jugular. I didn’t know him personally, but the whole school was notably quieter for months.

    But there was no call for background checks or mental health screenings on purchases, or to close the “Home Improvement Show loophole”, or to require safe storage of power tools “For The Children!”. Seems we have the right to own whatever demonstrably dangerous power tools we want, but guns are different because … well … because guns are different.

    I’ll let better minds than mine sort out how that makes ANY sense.

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