“Gun Death” Old Beating

Yesterday we talked about a young child beaten to death, today its an old woman.

Nancy Newton encountered a man inside her home about 4:30 a.m. He punched her in the face and beat her. It was an hour until Newton could get to the phone to call for help. She was rushed to a hospital.

Police later learned that a burglar had gotten into her home a few days earlier through a window and stolen some money. It’s unknown if the two incidents were related, but Newton had not yet secured the window.

Thursday, Newton died, and it is believed that her injuries were a contributing factor.

One of the purposes of the “Gun Death?” Files is to show the myriad of tools, including hands and feet that can end human life. If guns were banned and vanished from the world these deaths would not stop…but not only that, but the opportunity for an old woman who had suffered a break-in and was living in a home with a known breech in security to defend herself against a younger stronger man is nil.

Those who use the metric of “Gun Death” are fine with this. The strong ruling over the weak is perfectly acceptable to them.

Its not acceptable to me. Carry your damn guns people, and be safe out there!

h/t Barron

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” Old Beating

  1. Old NFO says:

    Concur, carry and be READY to defend one’s self…

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