“Gun Death” X-Box

Yeah, you read that right.

A father has confessed to killed his newborn baby boy because the three-week-old’s crying was disturbing him as he played on a games console, police said.

Jacob David Hartley, of Lakeland, Florida, had baby Colton sitting on him for around 30 minutes out of an almost five hour video game session on Thursday.

During his gaming marathon the 20-year-old became so frustrated with his son that he took hold of the boy with both hands and shook him.

‘Damn you Colton, please go to f***ing sleep’, he said, according to the boy’s mother Amber Newton.

At that point, she told police, she stepped in and took her baby away from Hartley.

The baby later died. King Classy!

Hey, but no gun was used, right?

h/t Maddmedic

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0 Responses to “Gun Death” X-Box

  1. Greg Camp says:

    Every once in a while, I hear calls for banning video games. Of course, banning this man will do some good, as I’ve heard that child killers don’t have good lives in prison.

  2. Scott says:

    I have to admit that there have been times where I have wanted to shake my wife because she got in the way of me playing Call of Duty…thanks the gods there I have no children.

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