
Been hearing a lot of this story, but this was the first time I really looked into it:

A Massachusetts mayor has fired a police officer accused of directing a racial slur at Boston Red Sox outfielder Carl Crawford during a baseball game….Perrault has been on paid leave since he called Crawford a “Monday” before a July 5 minor league game in Manchester, N.H.

The word is considered a racial slur when associated with the phrase, “I hate Mondays.”

So wait…I hate Mondays too…does that make me a racist? What the hell am I missing here? I’ve heard a LOT of imaginative racial slurs but I’ve never heard this one. Urban Dictionary has it…but really?

This really stinks of Thought Police to me…

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0 Responses to Huhh?

  1. Pingback: For Every Steak You Skip, I’ll Eat Two! | Weer'd World

  2. Phssthpok says:

    Some years back (’95 IIRC) we were all gathered together at the heavy manufacturing plant where I worked and informed that we could not longer use the term ‘jig’…we had to use the word ‘fixture’ now when referring to things that held parts for fitting/welding.

    I asked “Why? What wrong with ‘jig’?”
    “It can be construed to be a shortening of the term ‘jigaboo’.”
    “OK…WTF is a jiggaboo?”
    (cue Streisand effect) They had to explain that jigaboo was (apparently) a slang term for a black person. Everyone gathered there looked at each other like “WTF?”. No one had heard that term used that way before.

    (Amazingly enough they were OK with us using the term ‘dykes’ for wirecutters…go figure)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That sort of logic means that every bridge party is racist! I mean I’ve on many occasions opened bidding with “One Spade”!

      The PC police are people of such low intellect that they do whatever they can to avoid taxing their useless brains. I remember once I had a code word with some friends for a laugh. I’d use the word “Indicative” and they knew that it simply meant “dick”. So I’d say “That dude is totally indicative”, and they know I was pointing out that he was being a dick. Really words can mean whatever, so we might as well just build bigger prisons, because there ain’t no good that will come of this.

    • BobG says:

      And if an Irishman wants to dance a jig, what does that make him?
      And what does a jigsaw do?

  3. BornLib says:

    Are any other days of the week racist or just Mondays?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Obviously the other days must be racist too! But just like this, we’re not going to tell you which days mean which….just have you fired for talking about them!

      BTW the justification of the slur is “Everybody Hates Mondays”….yeah most people do. Still most people don’t give a shit what color your skin is. Now everybody hates assholes….so maybe “Mondays” are just assholes….

  4. Archer says:

    This is right up there with Scotland officially discouraging the use of the words black-list and white-list when talking about websites and e-mail addresses that are always blocked or always allowed, respectively. Their new “acceptable” terms are red-list and green-list.

    I’m sure the Communists will be upset that now, officially: “Red” = BAD.

    To me, hate is hate, and although you’re allowed your feelings, acting on them to the detriment of others should not be tolerated. To “Progressives,” there’s politically-correct hate, and intolerable hate; the former is encouraged, the latter is unduly punished. White-listed and black-listed* forms of animosity, as it were.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go conceal my skin color, faith, and political leaning; the Two-Minutes Hate is about to start.

    (* – Being an IT professional, I absolutely refuse to use the politically-correct terms and will stick with the industry standard, thank you very much.)

  5. McThag says:

    You can make any word mean anything via tone.

    I have seen with my own eyes someone turn “sir” into “nigger”. If you can do that, you can do anything.

    The PC war on words does us a massive disservice. It’s forced the racists into using euphemisms rather than saying what they mean directly so we can readily identify and shun them.

    I want the racists to say nigger when they mean nigger so that I don’t get accused of meaning nigger when I’m hung over on the day after sunday.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Reminds me of a comedy routine I heard in the 90s. It was a woman talking about getting service when clothes shopping. She noted that when a surly clerk calls you “ma’am”, they really mean “bitch!”

      You can do anything

  6. Rob Crawford says:

    I put money on the Urban Dictionary entries being idiots taking a piss.

    Or we have to reconsider the entire Garfield comic strip series as the world’s longest, most popular rant against blacks and Italians.

  7. Greg Camp says:

    As someone who teaches, edits, and writes, I’m gobsmacked. I say that having taught high school students from time to time. I’ve looked at Urban Dictionary now and then when I run across some term that makes no sense–seems to be the specialty over there–but this one has escaped me.

    Here’s a standard to consider: Has he beaten anyone? Has he arrested a black person without evidence? Is there anything supporting the idea that he acts in a racist manner while on the job? If no, this mayor needs to get over himself.

  8. Daniel in Brookline says:

    Okay, what’s the reductio ad absurdum here? I think it’s just a matter of time before “white” is used as a slur against blacks.

    Of course, it can be anything. Any word I use with attitude against a sensitive black person can be interpreted that way, e.g. “Don’t be such a kumquat.”

    Bottom line: you’re just not supposed to criticize sensitive black people, period.

    So… how many “racially charged” words are we not supposed to use now? Starting with “niggardly” and ending with “Monday”, I wonder how long the list is.

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