If Guns Were As Illegal As Drugs…

I found this story through the antis, but I think it tells a different tale.

One officer was killed and five other drug task force members and a suspect were wounded in a gunfight Wednesday evening during a raid in an Ogden neighborhood, authorities said….Ogden police said in a statement early Thursday that the agent who died from his wounds was Jared Francom, a seven-year veteran who is survived by his wife and two young children. Five others officers from multiple agencies remained hospitalized with serious to critical injuries. No more information on their conditions was released.

The sole suspect in the drug-related shooting was at a local hospital under guard, with non-life threatening injuries.

No other names have been released.

Drugs are illegal, so people break the law getting, growing, and making drugs. It wouldn’t surprise me if this guy has a criminal record that precludes him from owning guns…so he broke the law getting guns.

Data is very lean on this case, it might be a totally fraudulent raid or it could be a drug dealer running contraband.

Either way its a clear display of how poorly prohibitions work, and how much violence must be created to enforce it.

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0 Responses to If Guns Were As Illegal As Drugs…

  1. Cargosquid says:

    Was this a SWAT raid? How in the hell does “The sole suspect in the drug-related shooting” wound and kill FIVE officers? Without dying? From a purely pragmatic point of view, we need to get this guy into the CIA killing terrorists.

    But I digress. If it was a raid….they knew who the guy was….what’s happened to thinking outside the box?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Thinking and Marksmanship are NOT the Cornerstones of a modern SWAT team.

      Actually the corner stones are
      -Cool Gear
      -Looking Cool
      -Bragging Rights
      -Budget Justifications

    • Amiable Dorsai says:

      I’d bet a fairly tidy sum that most of the wounded cops were shot by other cops. The video of Jose Guerena’s shooting shows what a goat rodeo these things can be. What kind of idiot sends in a SWAT team for a minor pot bust?

  2. Pingback: Another Telling Update | Weer'd World

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