I’m With Him

Uncle likes to eat strange food. Me too. If its good I learned about some REALLY good food. There is ALL sorts of things I LOVE to eat that look nasty but taste WONDERFUL.

If I’m wrong and something tastes NASTY, I have a story and a vivid experience.

BTW this Summer I’m getting a Durian!

Vector and Jesse, you get to help me eat it! Not sure if the Wimmins will dare, but they should!

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0 Responses to I’m With Him

  1. falnfenix says:

    ugh. have fun. may your nose be clogged that day.

  2. Critter says:

    being shamelessly omnivorous i’ll give you a hand with this one.

  3. D2k says:

    My boss brought back some durian chocolates on his last trip to Malaysia, they weren’t bad, but they weren’t really good either.
    They were obviously very minimal in potency because the smell was very light.
    I’ll have to try some straight durian when I get a chance to go to Malaysia for work.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      OH COME ON! Man up! It’ll be fun! I’ll supply fine single-malt to wash away any bad flavors if you find them to be as such.

      But I wouldn’t spend the money if I was 100% sure it was nasty! As a matter of fact I suspect it’ll be yummy with a chance of nasty!

  4. boomer says:

    Durian is delicious, despite what people who have never had it say…

  5. wfgodbold says:

    If you think durians are bad, you should see the picture they keep in the attic.

    The picture of Durian Gray!

  6. McThag says:

    There is nobody who is “meh” about durian.

    You either love it or hate it and you’ll know right away. If you hate it, give up, it’s not something you acquire if you stick with it.

  7. AZRon says:

    A kebab with durian and spring-fever (worm-infested) rabbit sounds wonderful. You can have my portion, I’ll man the barf bucket.

  8. bobby says:

    I had a Lee’s Sandwiches (Vietnamese Sandwich chain) by my house that I’d go to on occasion.

    Turns out they had durian ice cream. I was curious enough to try it … all I can say is that durian mixed with cream and a boat-load of sugar still tastes like a microwaved ass.

  9. Justin says:

    I tried Durian fruit last summer.

    I suggest using a Dremel to open the husk. Inside, there are, er, pods that contain the edible goopy part along with the seeds (which look like the fossilized tooth from a creature that wandered the earth in the early Triassic.)

    I found that the description of it tasting like a sweet onion pudding was not far off, though I found that it left me with an after taste similar to parmesan cheese.

    If you want to use it in something, it’s not too bad if you toss it in with a strawberry or melon smoothie.

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