More Anti-Rights Tin-Ears

Gotta love this anti-rights mentality:

Ladd admits “More training is better”, but you’ll never see them endorse any training, and if they get wind of any solid combat/self defense shooting they’ll condemn it as “insurrectionist”

And of course the “Homicidal Maniac” he’s talking about is the guy who murdered his boss in New York. Of course reality is he bought his gun in 1991 in Florida, and apparently spent the last few decades keeping his nose clean. Sure he illegally brought a gun into NYC, but nobody caught him with it. I haven’t committed any crimes in my 33 years of life, by their standards I’m a “Homicidal Maniac” too. So are they.

Also in the same thread Ladd praises police training, but noting a “reality” where only 30% of all shots are landed, but never a mention in THOUSANDS of defensive gun uses is there ANYTHING like this police shooting done at the hands of a CCW holder attempting to neutralize a hostile threat.

Joan patters about the same thing:

Gun permit holders wouldn’t have shot any of the injured because they are better shots and better trained than police officers. To even think or say that is ludicrous and strains the bounds of credulity. According to the above article, police had a split second decision to make when Johnson aimed his gun at them. There are so many shootings and shootings of officers that their reaction is to not natural in order to protect the public from more bullets but also to protect themselves. Officers lives are on the line every day. Armed citizens do not face the same kind of every day life threatening situations faced by our law enforcement officers. Though we all know that police officers are not immune from over reacting or using force when not needed, those are rare cases. Officers are trained in tactical techniques and are also in better physical condition than ordinary citizens to handle situations such as that presented to them in New York City.

Let’s talk some about training requirements for gun permit holders. Here is an article about the differences between states for training to carry a loaded gun around in public

Except officers don’t face this crap every day either…if they did they might take an interest in learning to shoot, and demand more training from the department. Officers DO face more threats than armed citizens only because its their JOB to answer dangerous calls, while its our job to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and get home safely.

Still most cops never need to draw their gun in the line of duty, and to claim that somehow police are battle-hardened soldiers is foolish. This is also the reason why police shootings go so poorly as a whole. They simply aren’t called to shoot very often, and most of their duties aren’t that dangerous, and when they’re in REAL danger is when they’re on the highway from CARS not bullets. So training is meager, and extra-curricular training is rare.

Meanwhile people who go to the trouble to BUY a gun, and PAY for a permit, are self-selected, so they frequently train and practice. Even a fair-weather shooter puts more rounds down range than most officers.

This is why you never see such horrible friendly fire incidents from a lawful carrier.

Of course they’ll never admit that because they want to disarm you. Same reason why they won’t note that some people are just bad, and all the laws in the world won’t stop them. That’s as good a reason to always be armed as any.

Carry your damn guns, people!

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0 Responses to More Anti-Rights Tin-Ears

  1. AZRon says:

    If I knew Ladd, I’d take him and a few of my favorite firearms out to the desert.

    No, not what you might be thinking.

    I’d drive the 60 mile round trip, provide the guns, targets, ammunition, and instruction on basic safety.

    Shooting my favorite pistol, he’d probably be in the black before the first magazine was empty. (7 round .45ACP) Slide-stopped, he’d walk back to the truck with a smile that can only be surpassed by a 10 year old that has hit his first bullseye with a .22.

    On the other hand, he could be a typical “know it all” douche.

    • Thirdpower says:

      “On the other hand, he could be a typical “know it all” douche.”


      • Weerd Beard says:

        +1 He’d consume $100 in ammo, and however much you burned in gas and range fees….then leave without so much of a “Thank-you” and then you’ll find a defamatory post about you and your guns on one of the CSGV blogs.

        But better chances that if you invite him to a range session he’d probably just call the cops on you claiming you threatened to murder him.

  2. Old NFO says:

    Why does all the crap going on right now keep reminding me of ‘Enemies Foreign and Domestic’???

  3. Braden Lynch says:

    “Gun permit holders wouldn’t have shot any of the injured because they are better shots and better trained than police officers. To even think or say that is ludicrous and strains the bounds of credulity.” What is the weather like on Plant Joan? I’m guessing it is filled with pretty rainbow colored unicorn droppings falling from sky.

    Civilian CCW holders do seem to get more training and are more proficient than a lot of police officers, so that is not crazy. Why, well it is both a hobby and a self-selected group of serious gun owners.

    Regarding the stress of the situation, the police are usually wearing protective gear and are often there in force. They probably have overwhelming back up on the way and know that they will get immediate first aid. While they go in harms way more often, their tactics do help with reducing the threat level of a lot of situations.

    Meanwhile, civilians are often alone and must make the call without the benefit of a badge to protect them if things go wrong. They will face more severe punishment if they miss. They do not have an instant department lawyer on the scene, back up by the Chief of Police, brother officers, the DA, the governor, and sometimes even the support of the media and the public.

    In this situation, would it have been better to let the policeman get killed just so that we do not have a civilian with a firearm? That is basically what it sounds like they are advocating with all the hand wringing and consternation. I think the facts just proved them wrong. They need to shut up and let the adults run the show.

  4. Greg Camp says:

    I hear a story like the Empire State Building shooting and want to get in some more range time. The gun grabbers hear that story and conclude that we need to pass another law. That’s the difference between the two sides. We want to be more skillful. They want someone else to have more control.

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