Morning Dorks

First as you know, all totalitarians dream of having the power to tell others what to do. If you look at totalitarian regimes when a small few get the power, most often that soon results in mass graves of political dissenters.

Now two of our favorite anti-right freaks are sharing their dreams to us. I think it sheds a lot of light, and I thank them for their candid nature. First from Ladd Everit of CSGV.

#IfIHadThePower I’d make every elected official who has ever voted w/ the #NRA experience the emotional pain felt by victims of gun violence

Now first let’s put a little equality to this statement. Essentially that’s like saying “People who Marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, should experience the pain of being murdered by the Duvalier Regime” Or “…Raped by a Harlem Street gang.” Yeah because a civil right is the same as a criminal act. Remember if you drink a beer, you’re the same as a drunk driver, or a degenerate drunk!

Also note that Ladd is wishing pain, suffering and death to people who support individual rights. I’ve stated before that the anti-rights cult is CONSUMED with hatred, this supports that well.

Now from Joan.

.#IfIHadThePower-we would have background checks on all gun sales; people would not carry guns everywhere; kids would be safe in schools

First we’ve talked through the background check fallacy, Joan had read this rebuttal, and likely dozens of other rebuttals like it. She knows its a fallacy, she says it anyway. She’s not a good, or a just person.

I’ll cover the next two side-by-side. I carry guns everywhere I can legally go. All people, including kids, are not only safe, but SAFER than around an unarmed me. I believe and will argue as long as need be before the liars retreat that outside places like an MRI lab where ANY metal is a danger, or a foundry or machine shop where hot machines might not only severely burn flesh, but cook off a live round in a chamber (you can see I’m stretching), where it is UNSAFE for me to carry my gun. A school, an airport, the Post Office, an airplane in flight.

We’ll also note that Joan is wringing her hands about a recent shooting in an Ohio school where guns are banned. In this school a child with a violent record stole a gun, and took it to a school despite policy and laws against this, and them murdered 3 students and assaulted several others with it.

You can see that Joan’s wish is pure fantasy, and not exactly related. She wants it to be so, and it just physically can’t be so. And you wonder why she’s so angry and intolerant.

Hey but she’s willing to take your rights away KNOWING it will solve nothing, including the bitter emptiness inside her black soul.

These are not good people.

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0 Responses to Morning Dorks

  1. wfgodbold says:

    They’re reduced to talking about what they would do if they were He-Man?

    I know twitter gets ridiculous, but you’d think that the anti-gunners would be able to do better than dream about what they would do if they were an 80s cartoon character.

  2. Miguel says:

    I am going to be very careful today. I am not gonna post something that just crossed my mind about Joan.

  3. Greg Camp says:

    wfgodbold, I grew up on He-man, so take it easy there. 😉

    But more importantly, didn’t Ladd Everit just advocate shooting the family members of politicians who vote in favor of gun rights? How else does one feel the emotional pain of having a family member shot?

    • That’s what I read. Then again, why would we be surprised. The whole anti-rights movement is about having power over people. What better way to prove to people that you have power over them than to murder their loved ones?


    • Weerd Beard says:

      He-Man and Transformers were my bag growing up.

      And yes Ladd wants good people to die.

      And he advocates laws that disarm good people. Coincidence? Of course not!

    • wfgodbold says:

      Oh, so did I. He-Man, Transformers, Voltron, even Gobots.

      But I’ve never wished I had an army of transforming mecha at my beck and call to enforce my will on the rest of the country.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    There’s nothing like watching Rats backed into a Corner. One gets to see their True Natures.

  5. Ken says:

    I have a feeling that if you could invent a device that would convert people’s inward fantasies into film, that Ladd Everitt’s film would be housed in the Nazi porn area of the adult bo0kstore. This sicko is another Jared Laughner.

  6. ExurbanKevin says:

    Ummn, I have experienced the pain of gun violence. I’ve been the first responder at a failed suicide attempt, and my wife has a cousin who was shot and killed.

    And yet I still carry a gun.

    It’s almost as if their hand-wringing and emoting was about something other than “gun violence”…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That’s been obvious since day 1! Remember how they snubbed the participants of the candlelight vigil actually USED their guns to save their lives.

      all about banning guns and using innocent blood to further the cause.

  7. Jeff Grey says:

    Are you an MRI Tech?
    Just wondering.

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