Neat Promethus Video

Warning Contains a TON of spoilers

Again, I rather liked the fact that Prometheus answered a lot of questions with much bigger questions, it makes for a much more expansive movie, and allows you to decide or ponder what was meant. That can be frustrating for some, and I don’t blame them, but I respond well to it.

Some neat little theories in there for sure.

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0 Responses to Neat Promethus Video

  1. Old NFO says:

    Sounds like a ‘strange’ movie…LOL

  2. McThag says:

    Still the stupidest auto-doc I’ve ever seen in sci-fi.

    “Please state nature of problem verbally”


    “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Please restate the problem.”


  3. D2k says:

    Soooo much wrong with that movie.
    Sure the world building was pretty good, but so many stupid things.
    The carbon dioxide line I assume was supposed to be about carbon monoxide.
    They have those mapper/probe things and they just walk into the structure rather than trying to map it first.
    They take off their helmets, just why would they do that.
    The geologist/cartographer getting lost despite having been shown mapping the damn place.
    The biologist not treating a massive snake with care.
    They didn’t review the recordings of what happened to the biologist and geologist.
    Flamethrowers really? I get that it’s a reference, but it didn’t make sense.
    Everyone completely ignoring the massive stapled scar.
    Contamination protocols that seem reminiscent of 50s tech.
    The main character rappelling down from the ship right to her buggy after she just entered the ship somehow.
    For sure more that I can’t think of at the moment, I was just disappointed by so many of the details.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I hear you in all of those things (except in the CO2, Carbon Dioxide is indeed poisonous in high enough doses to be lethal…also high CO2 can mean not enough oxygen)

      But yeah I get the impression that Ridley Scott understands people pretty well, but not science or the scientific method. I liked that the crew of the Nostromo really seemed to match my impressions of crews of cargo and other work vessels, as well the crew of the Prometheus really did seem to match my impressions of research vessel crews.

      That being said yeah researchers wouldn’t be in such a big hurry to dive into such things. They’d first do what they could to map the surface of the planet before entering the atmosphere. Then they’d do all the mapping of the structures with autonomous equipment before sending in the live people.

      And yeah, you need to scan the air for pathogens and life before you go breathing it.

      I just took it that Scott is a director, not a researcher, and was more concerned with telling his story and adding suspense than being 100% realistic.

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