Novel Idea

Just saw this tweet from Mayors Against Illegal Gun lackey “Everygun”

Pro gun bloggers agree, private sales transferred through an FFL with NICS free of charge may get them talking. Imagine if they got paid?

Now fist up I have no issue with opening the background check system to everybody. I wouldn’t just use it for guns, either. Wanna babysit my kids? Here fill out this NICS form! I’m gonna hop down the to the corner for a sandwich, would you mind watching the register? Oh fill out this form first! So I hear you want to date my daughter, if you have a clean NICS I don’t see a problem with that….but remember, son, anything you do to her, I’m going to do to you!

Etc. Of course Everygun must include FFLs to this. Why? They’re federally controlled. Their paperwork can be used for an illegal national registry for confiscation, also FFLs can be revoked, and if all gun commerce must be done through an FFL the .gov can essentially eliminate gun commerce!

Last you have “Progressive” Economics. Where there is such a thing as “Free Money”. Remember, under Obamacare Healthcare is going to be free, never mind how the Doctors, Hospitals, and Staff are getting paid!

Same goes for gun shops. Stores have rent, stores need employees, utilities, security, and capital to keep the shelves stocked. If your employees are getting paid to do NICS checks all day that bring no money into the store, how long will your business last?

But I got thinking about where the money comes from. You see Everygun like most anti-rights activists doesn’t do this out of the goodness of his/her heart. They do it because they are PAID!

Who pays them? In the case of MAIG, Michael Bloomberg and the Joyce Foundation.

So here’s the deal, you want a background check for “Everygun”, have Mayor Bloomberg and the Joyce foundation create a background check system. Make it not require an FFL, let’s say it just used a computer. You enter a persons name, birth date, and town they were born in, and push “Enter”, and you get one of two answers: “This Individual has Passed the NICS Background Check”, or “Be Advised, this Person has not passed the NICS check, Transfers are not Authorized”.

Of course if you get the flunk, that generally means the system screwed up, THEN you need to go to an FFL. You can fill out the paperwork, contest the 2nd Denial if that happens (and at this point a denial will be most certainly an error, as everybody will be able to scan themselves just for something to do) and if a Shop does a transfer of a gun that they are not in full possession of (mail order from other states, or face-to-face transfers) then they will submit an invoice of NICS Checks to MAIG and be compensated at $50 cash per transaction.

Sound good to you? Sounds good to me.

If you have a twitter account send this post to Everygun. Watch their reaction to a reasonable, and common sense compromise.

I wonder what their real motives are.

Yeah like we didn’t all know by now!

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0 Responses to Novel Idea

  1. thirdpower says:

    This is the same person who can’t understand the impossible logistics behind ‘airport level security’ for schools. He/She thinks it’s as simple as installing a ‘magnetometer’.

  2. Boyd says:

    Had me scare with your start there… thought maybe somebody had NICs ya and decided you couldn’t have your keyboard any more.

  3. Kristopher says:

    Perhaps we should require a NICS check to vote?

    The vote is far more dangerous than any mere “assault rifle”.

  4. Wally says:

    After thousands of dollars a year to maintin my FFL, I’d sure love to work for free.


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