Paul Bump

So it looks like Ron Paul placed second in the New Hampshire Primary, it’ll be interesting to see where this goes. Santorum who won by only a few votes was essentially tied with Gingrich for 4rd, and they both got beat-out by John Huntsman (D-UT) who skipped Iowa and has been camped out in New Hampshire for the last month.

Certainly it appears that the polls are showing Romney at #1, and Anybody But Romney at #2. Romney has the Republican Machine behind him as he was second place to John McCain (who got Second Place to Barack Obama) in the 2008 Elections, but many are aware that Romney is the Author of Obamacare, and the signer of the Massachusetts Assault Weapons Ban, and is generally an Obama-Lite when it comes to political ideology….my fear is he’s a Super-Obama when it comes to work ethic. President Obama was barely able to pass Obamacare with a Democrat Supermajority in the Legislature, meanwhile Romney passed Romneycare (same bill) in Massachusetts as a Republican in a state that can never have more than 8 or 9 at a time. I Fear Romney as President, and you should too.

Now the other Candidates aren’t much better, and the people appear to be sampling each for a few weeks at a time before discarding them compleatly. We’ll see if Ron Paul (who in a Libertarian State like New Hampshire has a STRONG advantage) has any staying power.

Right now Paul looks like the only guy worth my vote in the Primary.

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0 Responses to Paul Bump

  1. Suz says:


    THAT sends a message!

  2. Ratus says:

    To quote Tam “C’mon, y’all; let the wookie win. “

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