Remember: Donuts Good, Soda Bad!

The big elephant in the room that nobody acknowledges is that these public policies that are foisted on all of us are being pushed by people who have no knowledge or really any connection to what they ban, but our society often confuses confidence with knowledge.

BTW I’m not much of a soda drinker. We keep some 12oz cans of Seltzer and a few diet sodas in the pantry, but overall I generally drink tea, water, or liquor. Last year I got really lax with exercise and put on a rather embarrassing gut. Its on its way out the door, but I’m still working on it….but all without soda!

Maybe its because I’m not a donut eater…..

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0 Responses to Remember: Donuts Good, Soda Bad!

  1. Divemedic says:

    When we give the government power to make the ownership of things because they are bad for us, the list of the things that they will ban will grow.
    The PTB make large amounts of money off the war on drugs. The war on soda will make the profits of that war look like pocket change.

  2. JDRush says:

    I heartens me slightly that the media is actually calling him out on this one. Usually, they rally around the proregressive causes because: authority!

    I too have dropped sugar drinks and excessive carbs. Here’s where I differ from Bloomie (and vegans, cough): I don’t go around acting like an ass trying to force other people to be like me.

  3. Dann in Ohio says:

    Bloomy doesn’t want to ban all soda… just soda in High-Capacity Assault Cups… you know, any cup that holds more than 16oz., which of course will lead to the inevitable “2-for-1” deal on soda because we all know two 16oz. sodas are much safe than one 32oz. soda.

    Unfortunately, the donut hole isn’t the only hole in his idiocy…

    Dann in Ohio

  4. Kristopher says:

    If bloomie doesn’t like large sodas, I suggest that folks in NYC drink 40 oz Malt liquors in public instead.

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