Serves Them Right!

SWAT Drone Crashes into SWAT Team

The Montgomery County sheriff’s office in Texas had planned a big photo opportunity with their newly acquired surveillance drone. It all went horrible wrong when, according to the Examiner, “[The] prototype drone was flying about 18 feet off the ground [and] it lost contact with the controller’s console on the ground. It’s designed to go into an auto shutdown mode … but when it was coming down, the drone crashed into the SWAT team’s armored vehicle.” (The SWAT team had suited up, armored vehicle on hand, for the purpose of the photo.)

I’ve said it before, Police SWAT teams are the standing armies that our Founding Fathers warned us about. Its the SWAT teams doing the lion’s share of work crushing our Constitutional rights with no-knock raids, and massive displays of force against relatively low crimes that can easily be dispatched with standard beat officers, especially these days when every cop is wearing quality body armor, and has an AR in their cruiser.

And this shows it best! Not only do they need to showcase their new drone, but they’re doing it in full battle armor. You don’t see the regular beat cops doing photo ops, because we KNOW why they’re there, and use them! They uphold our laws, and do it reasonably. SWAT teams are beyond the pale, so they’re in DESPERATE need for positive PR to justify their military weapons and equipment, and their bloated budgets that are simply used to bust pot dealers, and mess-up non-threats.

Now their super-expensive 4th Amendment violation came crashing into their expensive armored vehicle, and sent their hardened shock-troops running for cover.


h/t Tango

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One Response to Serves Them Right!

  1. Tango says:

    This equipment is/was owned by the Montgomery County, TX authorities. It’s the county north of Houston. Drones. Really? Send every one of those drones into the dirt.

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