Sex-Selective Abortions

Are still legal.

Legislation coming up for a House vote would make it a federal crime to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the fetus. The measure takes aim at the aborting of female fetuses, a practice more common to countries such India and China, where there is a strong preference for sons, but which is also thought to take place in this country.

The mainly Republican supporters of the bill characterized the vote as a sex-discrimination issue at a time when Democrats are accusing Republicans of waging a war on women. Abortion rights advocates argued that the bill exploits the problem of selective abortion to further limit a woman’s right to choose.

A bit hard to enforce, I suspect, but it would have been the step in the right direction.

Really those who opposed this don’t like women, as those who are being murdered by this. Bottom line its all about killing babies.

And groups like Planned Parenthood are funded by US Tax dollars to do this.

No matter HOW you feel about the abortion issue, THAT is wrong!

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0 Responses to Sex-Selective Abortions

  1. Pingback: Rage…. « Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  2. RWC says:

    Don’t forget it is also ‘race-selective.’ Somehow they always seem to leave that out.

    But yeah, how they would enforce it is another question.

  3. RWC says:

    Ok, that link didn’t work. But it’s bill # H.R.3541.RH.


    (a) In General- Chapter 13 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
    `Sec. 250. Discrimination against the unborn on the basis of race or sex

    `(a) In General- Whoever knowingly–
    `(1) performs an abortion knowing that such abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the child, or the race of a parent of that child;
    `(2) uses force or the threat of force to intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a sex-selection or race-selection abortion;
    `(3) solicits or accepts funds for the performance of a sex-selection abortion or a race-selection abortion; or
    `(4) transports a woman into the United States or across a State line for the purpose of obtaining a sex-selection abortion or race-selection abortion;
    or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

  4. breda says:

    Just wait until they discover a test that lets you know if your baby will be gay or not.

  5. Kristopher says:

    Abortion is an elective procedure, and should not be government funded.

    That being said, Roe v. Wade makes it clear that in the first two trimesters, a woman can seek an abortion for ANY reason. If people have a problem with this, they need to get the support for an amendment to do this, since the SCOTUS has already ruled on this issue.

    Don’t chase that abortion stick in front of bus. Stay on target.

    It’s the economy, stupid.

    Ignore the bee-bonnet folks. They will cheerfully throw the election for a socialist if they can get Republicans to be all jesus-correct with them.

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