Sick Day

Man I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, today I feel friggin’ HORRIBLE!

So I spent a better part of the day in bed resting and watching Archer on Netflix. Breda and Alan recommended it to me, and they were spot on!

Also what’s interesting is as a cartoon there is no reason why they should use real or realistic guns, but they generally do. VERY rude show. LOVE IT!

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0 Responses to Sick Day

  1. SGB says:

    Hope you feel better brother.

  2. Joel says:

    I’ve never heard of that one! I’ll look for it. Thanks, hope you feel better.

  3. Thirdpower says:

    Same here but I couldn’t even get my eyes to focus enough for most of the day to watch TV or read.

  4. Alan says:

    Is it not awesome? Of course they’ll probably cancel it now that I’m watching it.

  5. mike w. says:

    They’d better not cancel it! I’ve been watching it since it came on the air. Where the hell have you guys been? Awesome show!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      My excuse is I have no TV signal in my home. No Cable, no Satellite, No TV Aerials. No reason to want one.

      So I learn about all my TV second hand so I look them up on the internet, which is a superior medium if you ask me.

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