Starbucks and Guns

Sebastian is pointing out the gunnies are bordering on Spamming Starbucks’ Facebook page. You can see the page here.

Ladd Everett is PISSED at this display of how popular our movement is, and is begging the usual Marxists to pile on in hopes of “Shaming” us. (Good Luck)

I actually don’t see it as spamming. People aren’t mailing pictures of their Glocks to Starbucks, they’re posting pictures of the coffee and goodies they bought at starbucks, and maybe they’re lawfully armed in their picture, or maybe they’ll toss their Glock beside the coffee and snap the picture.

I see this as no different than people taking pictures of themselves on their apple computer enjoying the coffee and the free Wi-Fi!

An Anti left this tweet that is very telling.

On Valentines Day, gunners took the historic step of promoting Starbucks the Parthenon of “Latte Liberals.” The Twitter Militia – “Winning”

Somehow lots of gunnies enjoying a coffee is now promoting “Latte Liberals”? Nope, we’re just showing that gun owners are the target market of Starbucks.

Honestly at the rate that stores are selling guns, and states are issuing carry permits, we’re damn near every market. We’re too big, and too diverse to be so pigeonholed with the anti-rights stereotypes that all gun owners are heavy-set Rural white males with ultra-conservative social values. We gots thems, but we also have women, minorities, homosexuals, Atheists, and a good deal of people who call themselves Democrats. Oh and it seems we can all agree that a cup of coffee and maybe a confection is a nice thing to enjoy.

Meanwhile those who hate guns and those who love freedom…well you’re obviously a small demographic. You’re right up there with one-legged dwarfs with polio. Starbucks would appreciate your business but they’re not going to alienate a paying customer base to please all 50 of you trolls.

Have fun!

Oh BTW has anybody noticed the lack of the term “Compromise” being tossed around these days by the antis? I think they’ve realized that the only “Compromise” they’re going to see is us carrying our guns, and them freezing in the dark…

I don’t think we can get them to agree to do that sooner…

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0 Responses to Starbucks and Guns

  1. Here’s what you’re not understanding, Weer’d. You’re not understanding that these leftists view Starbucks as their turf. It’s not just that we’re carrying guns, it’s that we’re doing it on their turf. And worst of all, Starbucks, that beacon to coffee house liberals, isn’t telling those barbarian right wing gun nazis to get off the lawn!

    That’s the reason for the level of vitriol. They’re upset about the guns, sure. They are LIVID about the betrayal. “God Damnit! Don’t those a-holes at Starbucks know WE BUILT THEIR BRAND! We enlightened, thoughtful liberals showed up, drank their coffee, talked all morning about how we were going to liberate the world from the capitalist scourge and the EBIL CAPITALISTS TOOK OVER OUR COFFEEHOUSE!!!111Eleventy!”

    I thought you knew.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Valid point in theory, but in practice if Starbucks was indeed the “Progressive” Clubhouse, it would have been as successful REAL Marxist clubhouses have been…remember Air America?

  2. Pat says:

    It was interesting how Ladd & Company trolled the SB FB page all day yesterday – until late late.

    Abby, Mari, Ladd and some gal from Iowa named Elizabeth did their best to mock, intimidate, and lie. Then Ladd went through (or SB did) and deleted most of his more “telling” posts.

    It funny how their grassroots works when forced into the open. He very clearly lost the debate last night on FB — no wonder he doesn’t allow comments on their wall and blocks everyone who disagrees with him. He couldn’t win a debate to save his funding!

  3. Critter says:

    i love the smell of Kona in the morning. it smells like victory.

  4. Suz says:

    “these leftists view Starbucks as their turf. ”
    Yes, this IS the basis for their outrage. They naively assumed that their slavish adoration of Starbucks was mutual, but they forgot that Starbucks is an Evil Capitalist Enterprise. They thought they were buying Starbucks’ loyalty, but alas, they were merely buying Starbucks coffee. They’re now appalled to discovered that Starbucks welcomes them for their money, not their principles. Classic liberalism: “Now that you’ve earned a sh**load of money, it’s you civic duty to give it all away.”

  5. Pingback: We’re not a fringe group « Not a Tango, nothing to see here

  6. 45er says:

    I followed your link to the FB page and giggled at Ladd for a bit, then saw talk of some fancy Chai monstrosity, so I was back in today to try one. That’s twice in a few days when I wasn’t going at all before. Way to go, antis, unintended consequences can suck sometimes.

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