Still Not 100%

The Con-Plague turned into a fever last afternoon, and I pretty much just stayed in bed all day. Went to be relatively early, but Mrs. Weer’d woke me up when she thought she heard somebody screaming outside.

Turned out to be just coyotes. I’ve been looking out for predators to be moving into the neighborhood. A few years back we had a MASSIVE rabbit population. Soon a group of red tail hawks moved in, and suddenly most of the rabbits vanished and the hawks moved on. Now the rabbits have again exploded, but it looks like the coyotes are there to do the job.

I stepped out on the balcony to try to get a range and direction, and it turned out they were a few streets away. I need to remind the neighbors to keep their cat in at night. He’s a tough urban predator, but I heard at least 2 ‘yotes and I suspect they’d make short work of him.

Of course since I’d been sleeping for 4 hours before being woken up, I wasn’t terribly tired so it took me a while to bed back down.

So I’m gonna drop some videos on the blog then see if I can shut my eyes for a few hours more.

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0 Responses to Still Not 100%

  1. Erin Palette says:

    The only thing to do when you’re sick is to watch more ponies! 😀

    I get my fix at Has every episode of both seasons in full HD.

    Enjoy! And feel better soon.

  2. HerrBGone says:

    Rather densely sub-urbanized in your neck of the woods… Though I’m not surprised the coyotes are moving in. Now that so many Marxistchusettsites have given up their position at the top of the food chain by abandoning the tools that put them there, the critters are losing their fear of us humans. I expect to be reading about more and more problem encounters with the growing critter population. (The four legged variety. There are already tones of well documented problems with the two legged kind.) Somehow I doubt a rape whistle and a cell phone would do much to deter a hungry coyote from snacking on the average 8 year old. Skillful use of a slingshot (a felony to posses in Marxistchusetts) on the other hand very well might convince ol’ Wiley to go back to rabbits.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah Coyote attacks make the news fairly regularly. Rarely does any blood get spilled, but people can get mighty scared when they see a ‘yote sizing you up.

      They’re fine with the bunnies. Honestly I don’t have too much problem with the no discharge of firearms. I’d feel comfortable picking one off my my balcony (downward angle with the ground as a backstop), but that’s because I’m a good shot, and have what is essentially an urban tree stand. But the houses are packed on top of each other in this neck, so I’m glad people are advised against taking nuisance species.

      But if I’m taking out the trash one morning and one of them bastards does so much as growl at me I’ll be putting a 0.452″ hole in it and calling the cops for cleanup.

      Let them eat the cats, bunnies and yip-yip dogs all they want.

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