Still Not Buying it!

Remember this story? They’re doubling down!

A man whose hands were cuffed behind him in the back seat of an Arkansas patrol car shot himself in the right temple with a handgun he apparently concealed from arresting officers, according to an autopsy report released Monday that listed the death as a suicide.

The state crime lab report, signed by three medical examiners, said the muzzle of a gun was placed against Chavis Carter’s head when it was fired. Jonesboro police released the report to The Associated Press and other news organizations under a Freedom of Information Act request.

I actually find the muzzle contact wound in conjunction with a man who’s hands are cuffed behind his back makes it smell even worse, not better. Then there’s this:

The autopsy report comes days after police released dashboard camera video recorded the night Carter was shot in Jonesboro, about 130 miles northeast of Little Rock. Part of the video showed Carter being patted down and ended before officers found Carter slumped over and bleeding in the back of a patrol car as was described in a police report. Police later released additional video they said was recorded after Carter was found.

Neither included the moment they say Carter shot himself, and the footage did little to resolve questions about how the shooting could have happened.

The videos (or likely just audio as I suspect the cameras don’t point into the back seat of the cruiser) have the moment the gun went off…or the potential of damning evidence such as a man saying “Hey what are you doing with that gun????”.

As part of their investigation, the Jonesboro Police Department also released a video reconstruction of the shooting showing how a man could shoot himself in the head with his hands cuffed behind him.

In producing the video, the agency said it used the same type of handcuffs used on Carter and the same model of handgun found with Carter after he died, a .380-caliber Cobra semi-automatic. An officer of similar height and weight as Carter sat in the back of a cruiser, leaned over and was able to lift the weapon to his head and reach the trigger.

Here’s the Police Video:

The police demo seems to point that it IS possible if he was able to stash the gun into the seat which seems like some expert fore-thought on the behalf of the suspect, and some severe incompetence on behalf of the police. The Cobra .380s aren’t Ruger LCPs, they’re cheap potmetal blowback pistols, and while not BIG guns, they aren’t tiny either.

I’m still not buying it. While this guy was NOT a saint, as he seems to have been dealing at the time of his detention, and was on the lam for other drug charges, I wonder if the cops decided Justice wasn’t going to work out in this case, and a cheap throwdown gun might solve their problem.

Given that this thin story is being held up by the very police who are the potential murder suspects.

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0 Responses to Still Not Buying it!

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    What I find Disturbing is the fact that there seems to be so LITTLE Brouhaha out of the Usual Suspects. Where’s Jesse? Where’s Al? Where’s Holder? I mean, it’s like there’s 1/100th the MSM and Gooberment Outrage that was shown for Trayvon. Could it be that the Goblin was a ….Goblin? Or does the Liberal Political Elite feel that there aren’t enough Electoral Votes in Arkansas to “Meddle” in this case?

    All I know is, that the Jonesboro P.D. and the State of Arkansas are jumping through Hoops to declare this “Righteous.” Yet this smells worse than a Landfill in the Summer.

  2. Rob Crawford says:

    I dunno. Weird sh!t happens.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      It sure does, but there is a reason why we have Occam’s Razor. Its not always correct, but as a general rule the most simple explanation is most likely the correct one.

      • Archer says:

        Plus, the full text of Occam’s Razor is: “All other things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be correct.”

        I emphasize the bolded section. All things are not equal in this case. I’ll grant that this does show that a person can shoot themselves in the temple while their hands are cuffed behind their backs. It does nothing to explain how on Earth the suspect had a handgun with him after being patted down and searched – twice!

        I’m not buying it either. This explanation stretches credibility to the limit and is so thin it could disappear by turning sideways.

        • Phssthpok says:

          ‘…all other thing being equal…”

          I can’t imagine ANY cop cuffing Ray-ray that loosely…. I noticed right aways when the cuffing of that hand was performed with the thumb and forefinger ‘riding’ the slide of the cuff as it was applied and he stopped it short(loose)…yeah he added an extra ‘click’ when double locking it, but still there’s no way that cuff would have ridden that high on the forearm of a ‘regular’ cuffee.

  3. carl says:

    Do they test these guys hands for traces of gun powder residue? Carter’s hands AND everyone else at the scene?

  4. PaulB. says:

    Like the owner of the local Italian restaurant who was shot in the back 6 times with a bolt-action rifle, this is an obvious suicide.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Are we talking Mysterious Mob Stereotypes, or are we talking about a fucked-up Massachusetts story I’m unaware of?

      I heard this story per-internet, so I never confirmed the details, but a school teacher in Maine who completely coincidentally was going through a rough patch in her marriage just so happened to be fatally shot by her husband while he was cleaning his gun.

      Maybe I’m stereotyping but I know a ton of older shooters who only clean their guns when stuff starts going wrong with them. Seems my and my compatriots habit of busting down the gun and scrubbing and oiling it after you put 50-100 rounds down range, seems to be part of gun culture 2.0.

      Odd that I’ve busted down and cleaned my guns HUNDREDS of times, and never let loose a round….and even if I had it most likely would have bounced off one of my concrete foundation walls…

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