Through The Eyes of a “Progressive”

Found here the words of simpleton and troll…but overall representative of the “Progressive” mindset, Ubu52.

The freedom you most commonly refer to is what’s known as “negative liberty” or freedom from outside restraint. I would prefer to have effective freedom or the ability to do whatever it is I want to do….I want the same freedoms the really wealthy have: The freedom to fly to Paris for dinner, for example. I want effective liberty, not negative liberty. I already have negative liberty as far as I am concerned. Now I want more.

My Response: bu, you CAN fly to Paris for dinner, and eat at the fanciest restaurant there.

Of course what you can’t do is do that on your own. You need a pilot, you need an aircraft, you need out-of-country transportation, you need a restaurant, you need a master chef, and all the ingredients and equipment to ply his trade, and you need waitstaff.

The insanely rich are no less free than you, but they do have a commodity that all of the above people would be willing to exchange their time, and resources on, and that’s money.

What you propose is the ability to board a plane in California, fly to Paris, hail a car in Paris and get the driver to take you to the restaurant of your choice. Ask the staff to show you to your table, and direct them which meal you’ll be served that evening. Afterwards you’re saying you’d like to hail another car to take you to the airport where you will return home.

All of this you feel you should be able to do without compensating the countless people who bore your little dream on their backs.

That is called “Slavery”.

You may go a step further and demand that I, and many others who either don’t know you, or from what they read here and in other blogs can conclude that you are nothing short of a lousy human being pay for your dreams out of our own pockets, without so much as you even knowing our names, let alone giving an ounce of gratitude for.

Is that better, or worse? At least with the first scenario you’d have the stones to look down your nose at the human you were commanding around, the 2nd Scenario you wouldn’t even be in the same Continent…

You should be ashamed of yourself.

And on MLK day of all things! BTW I had never heard much about “Negative” and “Positive” Liberty before.

It all sounds like a bunch of philosophical navel-gazing hooey. Either you have Liberty or you don’t, I guess the difference between my world view and Ubu’s is that I think people should be free unless they abuse the freedoms of others, meanwhile Ubu thinks that SHE should be free, and her “Liberty” should be at the expense of the liberty of others.

What’s scary is this is NOT a mentality unique to her. Just look at the Kill the Jews protesters. They’re unemployable and generally the worst of society, an they demand that they are given goods and services BECAUSE THEY WANT.

They should ALL be ashamed, but they aren’t.

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0 Responses to Through The Eyes of a “Progressive”

  1. Alan says:

    That “positive, negative” claptrap is just their attempt to frame the debate. It’s very similar to the “left, right” nonsense.

  2. Jack says:

    And note that this is an anti-gun person complaining about “The Rich”TM having more rights than the average Joe.

    The Brady’s praise NYC or Cali style issue where only the rich or the politically connected can get handgun permits. Why yes, that is a system where the common people are explicitly denied a right while those with connections can enjoy it.

    Even if you go to no private carry at all, like Chicago or UK the wealthy would still be able to pay the premium on self defense via hiring private security or roping in the public police. And as we’ve seen in NYC and Europe they’ll still carry and get a slap on the wrist when caught.

    So, it’s fitting that he endorses slavery in his desire to get free stuff, AND endorses slavery in his desire to keep the “proles” from being armed.

  3. bluesun says:

    Anyone who refers to “Negative” and “Positive” without mentioning what type of electrical connections they’re working on (and who isn’t Donald Sutherland, because, let’s face it, Oddball is awesome) should be laughed out of the room for being a clueless new age hippie.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I think Ubu is a Hippie of the OLDEST most backward age.

      And she generally is. Honestly I don’t know why Joe bothers with her, as she leaves comments on his blog in about the same way a parakeet leaves droppings on the newspaper in its cage…

  4. Old NFO says:

    One more tired try at framing is correct… If I throw enough words together, sooner or later I’ll confuse the ‘unwashed masses’ to the point that I’ll get my way… NOT!

  5. Bubblehead Les says:

    Uh, actually, I just read somewhere by someone on our side who made the point that the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights was actually designed to be full of “Negative Liberty” and “Positive Liberty.” Wish I could remember who wrote it, but the Premise is that “Negative Liberty” is to applied to the Federal Gov’t, while “Positive Liberty” is applied to States Rights and or/the People.

    What this Asshat is whining about is the fact that he’s not getting Free Money to go Play. No amount of Liberty has been taken from him to do what he wishes. He just has to pay for it, like the rest of us.

    I DO wish Congress would issue me my Unorganized Militia Firearms, though. ; )

  6. Linoge says:

    UBU does not want freedom, she wants socialism, and that is pretty much the antithesis of freedom.

    She is free to earn the money necessary to fly wherever she wants and eats whatever she wants. Expecting others to provide that for her, however, is simply disgusting, and is not “freedom” no matter what modifiers you put in front of it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, but if she CALLS the Prison that is Socialism “Freedom” maybe us dumb rednecks will submit to her will.

      War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. If Ubu Read Nineteen Eighty-Four she sure as hell didn’t understand it.

      • AuricTech says:

        My guess is that ubu52 looks at 1984 as an instruction manual for desirable governance, with ubu as a member of the Inner Party.

        CAPTCHA Code: 8UF7 – I 8 UF7*, and now I’m dying of a combination of heavy metal poisoning and radiation sickness. 🙁

        All the tasty goodness of uranium hexafluoride, now with an extra fluorine atom!

  7. chiefjaybob says:

    “They should ALL be ashamed, but they aren’t.”

    And that, in my opinion, sums up the cause of a lot of problems. There is no shame in adults any more. No shame in going in public half-dressed (check out some time); no shame in getting caught receiving sexual gratification in the Oval Office; no shame in accepting millions of dollars in campaign donations and approving billions in taxpayer loans to those companies; no shame in making campaign promises you have no intention of keeping; no shame in dangling your “victims of gun violence” to further your cause— I think you get my point.

  8. mike w. says:

    UBU doesn’t want freedom, infact she abhors it. What she wants is to force others (at the point of a gun I might add) to provide her with material possessions so that she has the “liberty” to do that which she is too lazy and / or incompetent to do on her own.

    Like others said, she wants to force others to provide for her. That’s called slavery, and it’s a damn good reason for those she wishes to enslave to retain their right to arms.

  9. AuricTech says:

    Joe’s blog is still having issues, so I’ll repost here what I tried to post there:

    After an exhaustive YouTube search that lasted several seconds, I found an appropriate anthem for ubu52’s view of freedom (hint: it’s from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory).

  10. BobG says:

    “Why is it that the more imaginary “rights” people invent, the less personal freedom I have?”

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