Wake Up Indeed!

This is just so myopic it needs to be discussed:

First up I have no idea. If we want to use anti-rights standards, countries that have full prohibitions on alcohol (like Muslim Theocracies where alcohol is a sin) they probably have a much lower rate of alcoholism and drunk driving. We also know what bastions of safety and human rights they are.

Still look at CSGV Utopias like Chicago, New York, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and DC. Super safe wonderful places, right? There really aren’t any places in my home state of Maine I’d be worried about walking after dark, there are lots of places in my state of residence of Massachusetts where I’d be worried about walking in broad daylight.

CSGV likes these states because they have gun laws similar to Prohibition era. What do we know about prohibition era? It was SUPER safe and good! The gangs made HUGE money selling illegal hooch, they bought Police and politicians. There were shootings and bombings of speakeasies, and of course we had police stumbling upon parties of dead people who were drinking toxic home-brew.

Now fast forward to today. ANYBODY who isn’t otherwise prohibited (most people on probation aren’t allowed to drink, and of course under age people) can buy booze by simply flashing an ID or just looking old enough. (Back when I tended bar I only checked ID maybe 10 percent of the time, and people close to 21 would simply flash their ID as soon as they came to the counter), you can buy “high capacity” martinis and shots, or “low capacity” beers (or high capacity beers severed in MASSIVE glasses). You can keep booze in your home, you can transport booze to friend’s houses for a party. There are laws like public intoxication (which are mostly selectively enforced) drunk driving, and furnishing to minors. These are punished when caught.

There are no permits, no licenses, no training, and certainly no registration. I can go buy one can of beer at the store, or I can buy a cart filled with 30 packs and gallon jugs, the only difference is how much I pay and how much effort it is to load it in my car. Having sealed containers in a car is no cause for police concern.

Ladd is of course just lying, because this is the LAST thing he wants. What he WANTS is the days of Al Capone and the Southern Moonshiners to return.

This is why we will NEVER give them an inch!

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0 Responses to Wake Up Indeed!

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Under Ladd the Impotent’s so-called Logic, the entire Illegal Drug Trade never has caused one single person on the Planet to be hurt or killed, since Drugs like Pot, Heroin, Coke, Meth, etc are (mostly) BANNED under the Law.

    And so is Murder, Suicide, Rape, Arson…….

    So in his World View, passing a Law against something makes that something become like it never existed.

    What an Idiot.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Also remember when Joan Peterson started talking about the “Gun Show Loophole” she would mention people doing felonious criminal acts and claim that because it was HAPPENING meant it was 100% legal and we need new laws!

  2. TS says:

    Even in Utah gun are more regulated than alcohol. I am so sick of the “guns are unregulated” meme.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh yeah, with the exception of some backwards places like Massachusetts (and even here there are exceptions) every convenient store, grocery store, and food mart has beer and wine, and it isn’t too hard for places to be able to stock liquor.

      My Dad bought a rifle and a shotgun from Sears, but that was pre-68.

      Yeah its just another lie, like “Buying a Gun is Easier than Voting”, when most polling places don’t even ask for ID, just a spoken name and address, that isn’t even verified to be real.

  3. McThag says:

    Prohibition also gave us the Kennedy’s. Gods know we don’t want that to happen again!

  4. wfgodbold says:

    In Muslin theocracies, is everyone a man of the cloth?

    Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself.

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