Will You Grow the Hell Up!

Headline: “Women in the Crosshairs”

Killing a cat and painting “liberal” on it is gruesome and sick, but putting stickers of rifle crosshairs put on the office doors of women serving in the Missouri legislature yesterday is something more sinister….According to an article in the Columbia Tribune, orange stickers were placed on the doors of all four Democratic women in the Missouri Senate and on one male senator’s door. A sticker was also placed on the office door of a Republican, state Rep. Scott Diekhaus. The Missouri Capitol police are investigating.

First up “Women in the Crosshairs” but a man got one too…but he doesn’t count, I guess….also have a look at those stickers.

There’s a slightly less hysterical (but only slightly) article here with another picture of these goofy stickers.

First up these aren’t any targets I’ve ever seen, and they aren’t target pasters (stickers used to cover bullet holes so you can re-use a target…as those stickers are plain in color so they don’t distract). They’re also fucking TINY! Who’s to say this is some coordinated effort and not just some dorky intern making a mess…or in the case that I’ve been seeing this story being overblown across the lefty blogs, maybe a political stunt done up to look like threats from the opposition…but that never happens.

BTW I love how people get all bent out of shape when somebody blows off steam in a nasty way. Its not like political assassins or Terrorists have any track record in giving fair warning before an attack. But to be “Progressive” means you MUST be a victim, and you must point fingers at the villains responsible for your hardships in life.


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0 Responses to Will You Grow the Hell Up!

  1. I actually have a couple boxes of those exact stickers. I find them handy for 100 and 200 yard work with my precision rifles. Since they’re approximately 1MOA at 100 yards they’re handy to get immediate feedback on group size. IIRC they’re from Caldwell Shooting Sports.

    Most often though I use them on my steel plinkers for my .22. That way I can also have some shot placement feedback when I’m practicing. They’re shredded off pretty quick so I have to replace them often.

    I will say putting them on representatives doors isn’t that bright. Though I find it telling that the media is grasping when then they’re trying to play the “Targeting women card” ignoring the men who were also affected.

    Besides, the democrats were using targets on maps for different districts to point out where they needed to concentrate efforts. Who’s to say they didn’t do this to themselves for the attention and provide finger pointing ability. It wouldn’t be the first time they attacked their own to try and say bad things about the opposition.

  2. Molon Labe says:

    Clearly, it is time to enact legislation:

    1. Banning the sale of small orange pasters to those below the age of 21.
    2. Placing the stickers behind the counter and forcing consumers to sign a log in order to purchase the stickers.
    3. Banning “high capacity” sticker sheets unless you get a $200 stamp from the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (lest their SWAT team kick in your front door, shoot your dog and confiscate all of your kid’s stickers).
    4. Limiting the size and weight based on arbitrary “scariness” measures determined by frightened milquetoasts stumping for the vote of sticker violence victims everywhere.

    I’m making myself sick, I’ll stop.

  3. Gudis says:

    Now I want some of these stickers just to troll congressvermin.

  4. Linoge says:

    Barron beat me to it, but, when they do it, it is different.

  5. Broken Andy says:

    I also have some of those stickers. They are great to use when you don’t want to put a whole new target… just put them over the old one.

    But yeah, I agree that these people are trying to be victims.

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