All Packed!

I’m all packed, Flight info and hotel reservations in hand, and a cab reserved for OMG Early tomorrow.

I should be able to do some basic blogging from my phone at the convention, and maybe I’ll bum some computer time from my fellow bloggers.

When I get back you shall definetly get pictures and tales from the NRA Annual meeting in Houston Texas!

So who’s going to be there?

Also for those who can’t make it, what do you want coverage of?

I totally hate traveling, but once I get there things get really nice fast! Also the weather looks like its going to be GORGEOUS this weekend!

Hopefully I’ll get to meet some of you I’ve never had a chance to meet before, and good times will be had!

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4 Responses to All Packed!

  1. D2k says:

    Sadly, despite living only a couple hours away, I won’t be making it, sibling wedding stuff takes priority.

  2. Bruce H. says:


  3. Archer says:

    Pictures. Especially crowd shots.

    Nothing like throwing crowd shots of 70,000+ people who provided their own travel from ALL OVER THE COUNTRY/WORLD (there are Canadian and British NRA members, ya know) in the faces of folks who can’t BUS IN more than a dozen.

    Also, anything generally new/interesting/cool. Not too picky. 😉

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