“Gun Death” Boxer

One might assume if you are a champion fighter you don’t NEED a gun.

Phoenix police have made two arrests in connection with the beating death of a 17-year-old national champion boxer.

Police say Alexis Urbina was found unconscious and covered in blood in his family’s south Phoenix home in September. He died of his injures two days later.

There was no obvious sign of forced entry into the house, but Urbina’s family told police some of his boxing memorabilia was missing.

Really sad, but it shows what a “Gun Free Utopia” might look like.

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3 Responses to “Gun Death” Boxer

  1. Crotalus says:

    Being able to beat a boxer to death for his memorabilia seems counterproductive. Wouldn’t that put the value of it at pretty much zero?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Not sure. Let’s just say beating up Mike Tyson NOW doesn’t equate beating up Tyson in the 80s when he was a wild animal of crazed muscle. Further nothing is said about what implements were used in the beating. I’d say I’d rank pretty well in boxing, even tho I’m not a boxer if I was given a baseball bat or a lead pipe while they had just their padded gloves….

  2. Archer says:

    Not so much. It’s been demonstrated that “boxing” (with padded gloves, rules, and a referee) and “street fighting” (no gloves, no rules, no referee) are completely different. The physical conditioning would help, but the whole “you do what you train” ends up being a real b!tch when you’re trained to follow the rules and land “legal” punches, and the other guy’s not. Pair that with being used to shaking off gloved “legal” punches and suddenly being salvoed with bare-knuckled sucker punches, and it could easily end badly.

    Just sayin’. 🙂

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