“Gun Death” England

England is a land with infrequent “Gun Death”, but that doesn’t make it a safe place.

A small article about a murder-suicide near his London home sent Antonio Zazueta Olmos in search of the crime scene. A man had stabbed his girlfriend to death, the local newspaper said, and he then took his own life by jumping in front of a train. But when Mr. Olmos got to the block he found nothing: no police tape, no flowers, no candles….He is publishing his photographs in “The Landscape of Murder” (Dewi Lewis Publishing), offering a window into a side of his adopted hometown that even the natives don’t often realize.

Go click on that link. I scrolled through it, and from what I can tell this is what my blog might look like if I didn’t limit myself to one “Gun Death?” File a day.

Interesting and scary, and exactly why I fight so hard against the metric of “Gun Death”.

H/T Whipped Cream Difficulties

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3 Responses to “Gun Death” England

  1. rd says:

    According to the Official British Homicide Rate(R) counters, the girlfriend that was stabbed to death was not a Homicide. The dead boyfriend that killed her was never convicted in a court of law of murdering her. And in Britain, if no one is convicted of murder, then the death is not a murder.

    Ta-Da, Official Statistics(R) will show she was obviously not murdered, because the British Court never said she was murdered. Welcome to kind, caring, socialist crime statistics.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Not sure how it works when the primary suspect dies. You very well could be right.

      • Archer says:

        I have no facts to support it, but I believe he is correct.

        How else can Piers Morgan spout that there are only 35 murders per year in (Formerly) Great Britain?

        It’s not that there are “only” 35 murders, but that there are “only” 35 convictions for murder. It makes me wonder how it’s counted if they have a murder, but the perpetrator pleads down to assault or manslaughter – is it not a “murder” anymore? Either way, none of them are “Gun Deaths,” so he’s free to rail against American culture and the E-ville AR-15 “assault rifle” as much as he wants.

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