“Gun Death” New Jersey

New Jersey has tough gun and knife laws to keep the people safe!

Bail is set at $1 million for a New Jersey man accused of stabbing a stranger about a dozen times as she pushed her 5-month-old baby in a stroller at a Bed Bath & Beyond.

Monmouth County prosecutors say 19-year-old Tyrik Haynes of Middletown is also accused of setting fire last month to a cat that was later found dead.

A motive for Thursday’s stabbing is under investigation. The victim remained hospitalized Saturday in critical but stable condition. Her child was not injured in the attack.

Wouldn’t it be terrible if New Jersey was one of those “backwards” “Red Neck” states where citizens could carry guns, and somebody shot this beast?

Also I’ll throw in the “Bad Justice” tag, because we know New Jersey courts are super tough on violent criminals!


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3 Responses to “Gun Death” New Jersey

  1. AZRon says:

    I’ll probably get accusations of racism, but as a white male born in the 1950’s, Im used to it. It’s been 25+ years since I first started preaching to others about the evils of Political Correctness, and what I long feared has come to fruition. In spades. We are no longer allowed to speak the truth. Facts are racist, and islands tip over when you get too many people on one side. Black holes, don’t get me started!

    When I hear the arguments against lawful gun owners, I cringe like most of you.

    Although decidedly not PC, I would ask one question:

    If the politicians truly want to end violence and save the children, women, the economy, and the Republic, would we be better served by banning:

    1. Civilian firearm ownership as enumerated by our forefathers; or
    2. Negroes.

    Obviously, neither will ever happen, nor should they. But the statistical numbers don’t lie, except to those that consider mathematics to be racist.

    It’s time for politicians (and us) to come out of their pandering closets, re-read the US Constitution, their oath of office, grow a pair, and do the jobs that they were hired for .

    If the people that you disagree with vehemently about politics don’t hate your guts, you haven’t stated your position clearly enough. As always, calm rules the discussion.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’ll jump right behind you on your very NON-racist statement.

      This is a great example of why many people simply walk away from the gun statistics when fighting for the 2nd Amendment. I disagree only because you convince more fence sitters showing them that public arms make us safer. The stats are in our favor, so why not use them?

      Still rights have NOTHING to do with safety, and your Negros argument is one of them. When looking at crime and prison statistics young black males are a HUGE violent crime problem. This does NOT mean we can round up blacks, even if it would very arguably make us safer as a society. They have rights, and the rights for people of all colors, races, and creeds to be free cannot be infringed for ANY reason, public safety or otherwise.

      The same can be said about ownership of arms. Sorry, its MY RIGHT to own and carry firearm, just as its the right of those teens with the baggy pants and the gang colors to walk the streets peacefully.

  2. AZRon says:


    I truly appreciate that you took the time to read my post as opposed to looking for “key words”.

    Exactly. My RIGHT to own a firearm, for ANY reason, was bestowed upon to me as a birthright at the moment of my birth way back in the ’50’s. Since I have given no cause to have my RIGHT revoked, I’ll stand firm.

    They cannot take what they do not own unless we let them. Legislation be damned…We are a free society, much to others chagrin. We need only to keep reminding them. Sadly, few listen to facts. And voting, while I still engage, seems ineffectual. Politicians say one thing and do the other.

    Why is it that “voting rights” are usually addressed only just before or after an election? And even then, seen as racist? Why is it that a Federal budget hasn’t been passed in 1400+ days? In the interim, nothing changes, and the old lies are never dealt with. Could it be that we are being mislead by our “leaders”?

    Truly transparent, AZRon

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