“Gun Death” Suicide Attempt

Those that use the metric of “Gun Death” cling to suicides because they make up the bulk of “Gun Deaths” in this nation. Still the majority suicides are ignored because they don’t fit the agenda.

A former Fortune 500 executive told police he was trying to kill himself when he drove his pickup truck across the grassy median of a New Hampshire highway on Saturday and slammed into an SUV. What happened instead: He killed an expectant couple inside, prosecutors said yesterday.

Horrible! That’s three lives lost, and one sad individual who will likely spend a long time in prison. Most of the times when I do this story I only wish that the victim had defended themselves, with a gun or otherwise. In this case I really wish this jerk had chosen a gun, or many other methods to end his life.

It was New Hampshire where the gun laws are lax, and this guy likely had enough money to buy a hi-point and a box of hollow points. You never hear of somebody attempting to shoot themselves and wiping out an entire family…

H/T Wallphone

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One Response to “Gun Death” Suicide Attempt

  1. AZRon says:

    Yeah, see, that’s the thing I don’t get. If somebody is so unhappy with life, I can sorta’ understand their desire for suicide. You’re screwing your friends and family, but it’s on you. Eat a bullet, drink poison, overdose on barbiturates, jump off a building, or go swimming with cement overshoes. I’ll not mourn your demise.

    When you decide to include others in your “plan”, you become a murderous cretin deserving no more respect or sympathy than any other low-life. And why, for the love of Mike, do so many suicidal people survive even while they leave a trail of death in their wake? Data would suggest that suicidal people are not only selfish and inefficient, but also just plain stupid.

    But hey, no arsenal, so there’s that.

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