Images of the Anits: Blood Dancing

Just found this image from the usual suspects:

I’m deeply saddened by the shooting in the Washington Navy Yard, and my heart goes out to all affected. I’m also deeply saddened by how much was gotten wrong by the media, and how they’re still going to be selling us baseless hype.

I suspect we’ll see this image again and again, and even trot it out for shootings like the one at the Empire State Building, where the criminal shot one person, and the police did the real body count.

They get excited and charged by this, while we are only saddened and enraged.

You see this shooting was in the heart of Utopia. DC is still the gun control Capital of America. The Navy Yard is further still a “Gun Free Zone”, yet we have 12 dead innocents, more wounded, and countless people who will suffer serious emotional wounds from being a fish in a barrel.

…And now I must go to work in my own Gun Free Zone…how do you think that makes me feel?

**PS** I think I should add that there is the same side for the side of good. There have been ZERO days since a life has been saved with a lawfully carried gun. And the sign says that EVERY DAY.

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4 Responses to Images of the Anits: Blood Dancing

  1. fred says:

    News media is a joke for getting facts.

    I think we could solve the national debt if we fined every media outlet $1 million for every unsubstantiated factual error they make in reporting the news. It’s one thing to report official information and another thing entirely to be so hungry for something — anything — new to fill the time that you’re talking to the 2nd grade teacher of the neighbor of the guy standing in the street who thinks he heard a gun shot. Speculation should not be news. Facts from reliable sources should be. There is not a lot of facts available during these situations and even less time to be talking to the news media.

  2. Bob S. says:

    Think it will stay up until the next mass shooting, I don’t.

    And at the same time they won’t track how many days until the next “mass traffic” fatalities, or the next mass fire, or drownings or any of the other hundreds of ways people die.

    Great point on the P.S.

  3. Archer says:

    Thanks to the musical “Rent,” I’m (painfully) aware that there are 525,600 minutes in a year.

    Thanks to credible researchers, I’m also aware that there are (probably) between 500,000 and 3 MILLION defensive gun uses (DGUs) per year.

    Which means that, on average, we could label that counter “MINUTES without a DGU” and it will hold at zero pretty much constantly.

    I would classify that as A Good Thing. 🙂

  4. Geodkyt says:

    We really need to stop using the term “blood dancers”. They don’t dance in the blood of innocents — they gargle with it.

    Therefor, they are blood garglers.

    Which explains why they do not wait until the blood dries, or even cools, before jumping in.

    You cannot gargle dried or coagulated blood — you have to lick it off the floor while it’s fresh.

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