Images of the Antis: Blood Dancing

This one is just egregious.

First up I can find nothing about Erica Lafferty living in the state of Massachusetts where Senator Ayotte was elected and represents. Further the idea that background checks has ANYTHING to do with the crimes at Sandy Hook is purely foolish.

The bottom line is Ms. Lafferty’s mother rushed to save the kids with no tools to defend them. The killer chose the school because of this. Background checks are irrelevant, and Senator Ayotte is NOT your senator.

This is nothing more than blood dancing to advance a political agenda.

I’m sorry for your loss, but shame on you!

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5 Responses to Images of the Antis: Blood Dancing

  1. Old NFO says:

    Pulling in whatever BS they can to support their agenda…

  2. Eck! says:

    Kelly Ayotte is a New hampster senator. What she votes for is not a concern of any CT resident.

    The mind boggles.


  3. Braden Lynch says:

    It was a tragedy because it was a gun free zone and the principal could offer no effective resistance to a mass murderer. It is that simple.

    Offering unrelated, useless solutions is a true burden that we do not deserve and shall not bear.

    Ending GFZs is a good step towards stopping these attacks. Forcing the media to stop worshipping these bastards is another step. Finally, changes in involuntary treatment for severely mentally ill patients is something that needs to be discussed. We may not find it palatable, but it needs to be part of the discussion.

    Remember that 80 million Americans harmed no one today with their firearms.

  4. Wade says:

    The response to this kind of bloody shirt-waving is to tell the “victim” that the person who killed their loved one is dead. The next response should be to ask them to explain why they want to murder or imprison people who did nothing to harm anyone. Ask why they want to punish children by imprisoning their parents for having a metal box with a spring inside. Ask why they want policemen to shoot parents if they resist going to prison over a metal box with a spring inside. If my neighbor’s child gets killed by a drunk driver, they don’t have the right to come to my house and steal my liquor or slash my tires just because they’re sad and angry, nor do they have the moral right to send government thugs to do the same.

  5. Pingback: Quote of the Day: Wade | Weer'd World

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