James Yeager Gets his Permit Back

Look Yeager isn’t a great or a smart man, still he hasn’t been charged for any of the crimes he pretty clearly has committed so this is good.

A Middle Tennessee weapons instructor whose YouTube rant about killing people gained national attention and cost him his Tennessee handgun carry permit might now be getting his permit back.

A Middle Tennessee firearms trainer who made an ominous comment about killing people in a YouTube video that gained national attention this week has had his handgun carry permit suspended Friday by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

James Yeager, 42, had his permit suspended based on a “material likelihood of risk of harm to the public,” the department said in a statement.

A general sessions judge in Benton County ruled last week that the state didn’t have enough evidence to suspend James Yeager’s carry permit.

Remember rights are there to protect the best of us. I don’t worry about my freedom of speech when I talk about a neat fish, or how cute ducklings are, we use freedom of speech to protect when we say something stupid or controversial. Same goes with the talk that the 2nd Amendment having anything to do with hunting.

Yeager isn’t great, but he didn’t deserve this. That still doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve a criminal trial, but without that they can keep their hands off his permit, as due process applies to all of us!


This entry was posted in Bad Justice, Freedom, Guns, Safety, Self Defense. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to James Yeager Gets his Permit Back

  1. Bob S. says:

    Remember rights are there to protect the best of us and the worst of us.

    There fixed it for you.

    I find it amazing that people who protest illegal police searches for drug dealers or child molesters don’t see why we need to protect the rights of everyone regarding the 2nd Amendment.

    Nor do I understand how people will support burning an effigy of a president but not support the type of speech Yeager used.

  2. Jake says:

    Remember rights are there to protect the best of us and the worst of us.

    There fixed it for you.

    Honestly, I think it was right the first time. Rights are there to protect the best of us.

    The thing is, in order to protect the best of us, Rights must be applied equally and impartially to all of us – including the worst of us. Because anything less will be abused, and will lead to the loss of those Rights for everybody, as the definition of “worst” is eventually changed over time.

  3. Kristophr says:

    The man deserved a misdemeanor harassment charge and a year in jail for being a terminal dumbass.

    This isn’t enough to seize guns in this country.

  4. I agree with Bob S. The First Amendment exists to protect offensive speech, because inoffensive speech doesn’t need protection.

    Too many people are ready to give up their rights for some nebulous goal of “safety”. Yeager may or may not be a wing nut and he may or may not be dangerous, but that can’t be determined by a video on Youtube.

    This is in the same vein as deciding a kid is potentially violent because he ate a Pop Tart into something that might or might not look like a gun.

    Like attacks on our Second Amendment Rights, these attacks on the First Amendment are designed to make us submissive to the commands of our betters. Or at least they think they are our betters.

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