More Lynch Mob Mentality

Are arguing against Zimmerman’s aspirations.

Zimmerman told friends (and defense witnesses) John Donnelly and his wife Leanne Benjamin that he wants to go to law school so that he can help “others like him.”

Zimmerman wanted to be a cop, I think that is both a bad career move, as well as likely scuttled. Also somebody expected to patrol the streets of a known town or city is NOT the ideal career for a man with a price on his head from the black racists.

Still, he was railroaded down a bullshit political fiasco simply for defending his life from a violent troubled teen looking to beat on a “Creepy Ass Cracka”.

I can’t blame him for wanting to defend others, and if he has what it takes (I have no idea about Zimmerman’s motivation or abilities) he’d be a great man for it.

What does the lynch mob think?

Is it just us or does the law in Zimmerman’s hands seem like a bad idea?

Yeah, better the law be in the hands of the “Guilty until proven innocent crowd”, as well as people who KNOW Zimmerman is a murderer, and proof be damned!!!

Keep it classy!

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8 Responses to More Lynch Mob Mentality

  1. Bob S. says:

    Is it just us or does the law in Zimmerman’s hands seem like a bad idea?

    Isn’t it a little troubling that no matter how many layers of the legal system vindicate Zimmerman; he is still guilty to some?

    Guess that only applies because he is “White Hispanic” — when a minority is vindicated; we can’t keep trying to achieve his/her dreams, that’s just racist.

    Thousands of people who don’t even know me are calling me racist, telling me what I fear or hate. — isn’t that what you accuse me of?

  2. wizardpc says:

    Zimmerman wanted to be a cop

    No, he wanted to be a state prosecutor.

    • Rob Crawford says:

      There you go, letting sworn testimony get in the way of propaganda.

      The “wannabe cop” turned down a faux uniform, light-bar, and decals.

  3. LMB says:

    Hell, it isn’t even just Zimmerman, now. It’s all white people to some of these assholes. Like down in LA last night, they attacked multiple people just because they were white. Somebody got hit in the head with a hammer by a “masked protestor” at a restaurant for the crime of being white.

    Not to mention some of the other asshattery that occured, like jumping on vehicles & such.

    I won’t even go into Oakland.

    The LAPD police chief has announced that “The gloves are coming off” tonight, so shit might just get bloody enough for the media.

    • Rob Crawford says:

      Somebody got hit in the head with a hammer by a “masked protestor” at a restaurant for the crime of being white.

      A whole dining party — supposedly “white supremacists” — were attacked with hammers in a restaurant in Chicago a few months ago.

      Curious how these things seem to be limited to areas that suppress self-defense.

      • LMB says:

        Correction, the hammer hit occurred in Oakland. I had insufficient caffeine in me when I wrote that.
        But it’s still the same thing, the violence seems to be sticking to areas that don’t allow effective self defense to the majority of folks. Where I live, there isn’t much of a problem at all, but then again, guns are a hell of a lot more common.

  4. teke says:

    If you were being prosecuted for acting in Self Defense would it not be beneficial to your defense to have someone who has been there to help your council? Maybe not as lead but in an advisory role?
    How many people need legal representation for self defense and can only find legal defense for criminals that don’t know how to handle the legal aspect.

  5. Bubblehead Les says:

    Well, if I was Zimmerman, I’d be in Texas by now.

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