Off to the Range

Got some guns that need shooting, I’m off to the range before it gets too hot. (OK its already too hot!)

So while I’m out I’ll leave you with some music!

A Certain somebody sent me this comic:

Look, Bob! I know you have great taste in Jazz, but Old Farts like you need to learn to APPRECIATE good Electronica!!! 😉

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3 Responses to Off to the Range

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Well, the nice thing about the .22LR is that when you turn into an Old Fart and can’t stand DubStep anymore, you’ll still be able to use a Gun that your Crippled Hands can operate because you went all SnubbiefromHell once too often. ; )

    But in all seriousness,for all the new Shooters out there, think of this. We all know that 2 is 1, 1 is 0. Which is why a lot of Smart Gunnies carry a Back Up Gun (BUG), where Legal to do so. But the Real Smart ones carry weapons that are not only the same caliber, but use the same Feeding Mechanism.

    Which is why I believe Glocks are so popular. Think of the Glock 19 and the Glock 26 for example. Gaston and his crew were smart enough to ensure that the smaller Pistols were able (for the most part) to take the larger’s Magazines. Not that I’m a Glock Fan Boy, just using them as an example.

    But now you have TWO 5-shot Snubbies. If the Ruger pans out, and it’s Legal for you to do so, carry BOTH it and the Smith. You should be able to use the same Speedloaders, and if not, at least the same Speedstrips.

    Also, let’s say that you get caught in a BAD Situation with a Friend/Relative who knows how to Shoot Safely, but is Unarmed. You could pass off one of the Snubbies to Him/Her, and that allows for TWO against “X” number of Goblins. And since Goblins seem to be in Packs nowadays, “Peace through Superior Firepower” is a smart policy.

    Also, carrying 2 Weapons does tend to “Balance the Load”. And using Cargo Shorts during Hot Weather is a Good, but Slow Method of Concealed Carry. Yet those Cargo Pockets do allow for a Concealed Carry Option where using a Shoulder Harness would not work, like mowing the Lawn when it’s 90 and you have your shirt off.

    So I hope they don’t turn out to be POS. Good Luck!

  2. Bob S. says:

    And as soon as there is some ‘good electronica’ I’ll appreciate it.

    Still waiting though

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