Overheard in the Kitchen

As I was standing over the sink trying to get arterial bleeding to stop with pressure.

Mrs. Weer’d: See little baby! You’ll see that this happens all the time when Daddy plays with his knives.

Me: LaWeer’da what your mom says is true.

It wasn’t that bad, the bleeding stopped incredibly quickly and I got everything put back together in more-or-less where it should be.

Another scar, another story.

BTW many of my nasty gashes come from doing things I should know better. I honestly don’t know how this happened. I was cutting the zipties off a toilet paper holder and the damn blade skipped into the soft skin on the inside of my middle finger.

Oh well, at least I didn’t have to go to the hospital!

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16 Responses to Overheard in the Kitchen

  1. Larry says:

    Don’t let her fool ya. Chicks dig scars. (he says, as he bandages three of his own fingers)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I dunno about “Dig”, but certainly deeply amused.

      Of course I don’t have any GOOD ones, like IED in Kandahar, or got stabbed intervening in a rape, or some other heroic thing.

      All of mine were “Well I shouldn’t have been doing this…and then I was trying to stop the bleeding…”

      • LMB says:

        Yeah, I’ve opened myself up a time or two doing the same basic crap. What especially sucks is when you get that hard vac packed plastic, and you cut it open with a knife only to slash the shit out of yourself with the goddamned plastic.

        It’s definitely a FUUUUUUU- moment!

        • Weerd Beard says:

          never got a nasty gash, but that shit has DEFINITELY drawn blood on more occasions than I’d like to admit.

          • Windy Wilson says:

            I have a scar between my thumb and first finger that took six stitches at the emergency room to close up because I tried to open a jar of molasses with a genuine honest to god pipe wrench.
            Two lessons:
            1. Molasses can harden to glue the lid to the glass with a strength exceeding said glass.
            2. When a pale man walks purposefully into an ER holding a red and white cloth with both hands, they do not make him wait in line to fill out forms.

  2. Motor-T says:

    That has happened to me [UNDISCLOSED] times.
    I now look for the Gerber Crunch when it comes time to cut zip-ties.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      My wife finished cutting the ties with a nice pair of scissors that I probably should have used in the first place.

      And I’ll probably reach for a knife the next time too, anyway!

  3. Miguel says:

    Making a note to keep sharps away from Weer….

  4. Ratus says:

    Remember, cut away from the Weer’d…

  5. rd says:


    A good pair of gloves are great for preventing those little oopsies. It takes a little longer to start the job, but the clean-up is so much easier and less messy without blood.

    Would you go to the range without glasses and hearing protection?

  6. DaddyBear says:

    I feel your pain. I was cutting zip ties on some computer cables once with a Swiss Army knife and took the very tip of my left index finger off. Just the soft tissue, and it healed quite nicely, but still had to go to the emergency room at the insistence of my (then) wife. Doctors were alerted that I was coming in by said over-reacting spouse, so they were all prepped to re-attach the finger. I had to explain that all I had was a boo-boo and just needed a bandage and a lollipop.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Thank goodness my wife believed me when I told her I didn’t need to go to the hospital. I’ve been making it a point to show her when I change the bandage just so she can see how well I can put myself back together.

  7. Archer says:

    Two words: Gut. Hook.

    I have a Leatherman Charge on my person at all times. The gut hook on one of the knife blades is EXTREMELY handy for zip ties and that nasty bubble/vacuum packaging. You end up pulling the blade away from your other hand instead of potentially swiping toward it. And if the zip tie or packaging “pops” open, it’s your elbow that leads instead of a knife blade. Safer!

    Also, I have several scars from stuff like that, from before I discovered the gut hook. I show them to my kids as teachable moments. I say, “You know what can happen when you don’t use knives safely? This.” And watch their eyes get big as saucers. Then I show them how it SHOULD be done to NOT get scarred. Suddenly the knife discipline goes up dramatically. 🙂

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oooohh!! I have a CRKT Gut-hook neck knife kicking around the armory! I may stash it with the various utility knives for just such deployment.

      I also have ceramic rat-tail files to re-sharpen it in case I need to show Bambi’s insides to the outside!

      Thanks for the tip!

  8. Two Points to make here:

    1.) Not a gun death, but hey…


    2.) You need to be more careful Weer’d. Every time you irresponsibly cut yourself a baby duck cries out in a drastically depressing melancholy.

    Don’t be that guy!


    BTW, Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving while I am at work. :/

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