Prepare for Takeoff

Guns checked, balls cupped, seat found, and bladder voided.

Let’s get this show on the road!

See you in Houston!

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8 Responses to Prepare for Takeoff

  1. teke says:

    You forgot to mention Groped and Violated.

    See you here.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      The nut-cupping is my favorite of that.

      also I happened to have my shirt tucked in this morning (more because my t-shirt was stacked on top of my pants when I got dressed, not because I have any class) which seemed to make the fingers-in-the-waistline riff a lot less rape-y.

      also didn’t hurt that my gate-rapist seemed to have groping the bearded fellow as the LAST thing he wanted to do this morning.

  2. Bob S. says:

    Hey Weer’d,

    Why don’t you hang around in Texas a couple of weeks and make your way up to the Dallas Area Blogshoot III?

    It’s only 3 weeks away.

    Really was planning on making the N.R.A. Convention this year but finances went haywire –darn reality getting in the way of my plans.

    Have fun !

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Tell the Gang I said Hi!

    And “Next Year in Indy, God Willing…”

  4. mike w. says:

    Have fun Weer’d! Say Hi to the gang for me!

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