Empty Threat

So this little comment is getting a lot of talk:

Movie producer Harvey Weinstein announced for the first time on Howard Stern’s radio show that he is making a full feature drama to try to destroy the National Rifle Association.

Mr. Stern asked Mr. Weinstein on Wednesday whether he owned a gun. The Hollywood heavyweight replied that he did not and never would. “I don’t think we need guns in this country. And I hate it,” the producer said. “I think the NRA is a disaster area.”

Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

The shock jock asked whether the film was going to be a documentary. Mr. Weinstein said no, that it would be a “big movie like a ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’”

So Weinstein is going to make a movie that will destroy the NRA? It needs to be a work of fiction, as Bowling For Columbine did little damage and that was BEFORE it spawned dozens of rebuttals in print, blogs, and documentaries. (The best of which is Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man by somebody you might know)

So to make a “Documentary” against the NRA Moore had to lie, and lie hard with hacking up speeches to make different ones, and post-production trickery.

As far as fictitious attacks on the NRA there was the movie “Runaway Jury”. In the book it was a Tobacco lawsuit, but when “The Insider” was produced the studio decided to attack a different “Progressive” Boogie Man, the Gun Industry.

Of course the shadowy organization funding a defense against a shady gun dealer was never named as the NRA or any specific gun maker. Either way it sparked no political action or interest, but it did spawn this tongue-in-cheek blog post.

Last I’ll touch on this:

Mr. Stern pointed out the inconsistencies in Mr. Weinstein’s earlier comments about a project about Jews defending themselves during the Holocaust. The producer replied that the justification for using a gun is “when you’re marching a half of a million people into Auschwitz.”

Mr. Weinstein does not seem to know that the Nazis were able to confiscate the guns that the Jewish people owned based on Germany’s government registry.

Also, the producer said he would have used a gun to stop from going to a concentration camp if he “found a gun, and if that was happening to my people.”

Mr. Weinstein has been watching too many movies if he thinks the good guys find fully loaded firearms in convenient locations to use only when necessary.

Talk about fiction! I’ve had many people not sympathetic or understanding of self defense or the 2nd Amendment ask me why I NEED guns, or a certain type of gun, or why I carry a gun to a certain place, or at all.

While my answer COULD rightfully be “The Second Amendment says nothing about NEED!” I prefer to point out that I don’t NEED any of my guns right now. Which is 100% true. But I point out that it is not unreasonable to think a person WOULD need a gun, be it street crime, home invasion, or the more serious civil unrest by Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, or the LA Riots, or more sinister things like hostile government, or erroneous SWAT raids.

When those things happen you WILL NOT be able to get a gun unless you already have one, so prospectively speaking I NEED them right now.

Weinstein’s idea that if the forces of evil come after him he’ll magically be able to get a gun, or hire the crack dealers in the ghetto to become his personal Feudal army?

I don’t know if its laughable or just sad.

Either way, my general attitude is “BRING IT ON!” Most movies with pointed political agendas as strong as that do VERY poorly in the box office, and generally the subject matter is so dated that home video sales are even worse.

I just hope that as wealthy as Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Streep are, that they call out to anti-gun groups and “Progressive” PACs to get some additional funding, that way it not only sinks like a stone, but does so with the treasures of the enemies of freedom locked in its hold.

In a day of blogs, and a pro-gun community so willing to discuss the issue, I can’t imagine this being anything but an empty threat from a man who is obviously reality-challenged.

This entry was posted in Freedom, Guns, Movies, Politics, Safety, Self Defense. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Empty Threat

  1. bluesun says:

    Sure to be a major box office hit. Pure dy-no-mite.

    Or is it rather “Never interrupt an enemy while he’s making a mistake.”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Not that we could do ANYTHING to dissuade him! He’s a “Progressive” True Believer! He Knows he’s right, no matter how wrong he may be, or how much he needs to fabricate reality to make it fit his world view!

  2. Crotalus says:

    Meryl Streep is too good an actress to risk her career on a stinker like this. She should head for the tall grass, quick!

  3. Pingback: Quote of the Day: Milquetoast | Weer'd World

  4. Archer says:

    So Michael Moore came out with his documentary, which to protect the innocent we’ll rename, “Lie Hard.”

    Then it was Gary Fleder’s “masterpiece,” which we’ll rename, “Lie Hard 2.”

    Now, Harvey Weinstein has stated he’ll produce what we’ll call, “Lie Hard with a Vengeance.”

    I’m now waiting with baited breath for a drama/thriller that paints the NRA in a positive light, going by the nickname, “Live Free or Lie Hard.”

    *snort* I crack myself up! 😀

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