Images of the Antis: False Argument

They almost sound reasonable if they make the straw man big enough:

False Argument

Now of course the big straw man is somehow the argument for private gun ownership is it is the ONLY way to address grievances for the government. Now I got this from the twitter feed of this brain surgeon so it is very possible she is simply too stupid to see the flaws in the argument. Really she hates guns and gun owners, so parroting an anti-gun graphic might just be her confirmation bias.

Still of course we have the common saying of the fact that there are FOUR boxes for fixing government.

Soap Box: I’m standing on mine right now. I see flaws in the world and the system. I see solutions. I see the dishonesty of the other side, and here I am telling all who will listen, and for all who will continue this message and/or add too it!

Ballot Box: You vote for candidates who support your interests, and vote against those hostile to your interests. This can also be lumped into a fifth box not often talked about in these contexts, the post box. We live in a Republic so our representatives are voting essentially FOR us by proxy. By calling, mailing, or directly addressing representatives about your thoughts on any given issue, you can sway their vote in your favor, knowing that you’ll remember their record come the next election. Further most people understand that we have a Republic, and not a Democracy because people can’t be bothered to run government full-time, so any time they hear from a constituent about an issue, they assume there is a larger number who simply has not contacted them.

Also ballot initiatives can be formed to create or destroy laws by vote.

Jury Box: Sometimes omitted, but not only does it keep the government attacking an individual unjustly by leveling false or embellished charges, but there is also Jury Nullification where unjust laws can be overturned simply by legal precedence.

And always mentioned LAST is the Ammo Box. This is mentioned last because it is a LAST resort. Back when this land was part of the British Empire the people of the Colonies took all of the above steps to address the grievances they had with the British Crown. Turns out a Monarchy is a horrible way to govern a land (Even England doesn’t really use theirs anymore) so to get us released from the Empire we took up arms.

The war was bloody, brutal, and long. After the war it was even worse for the loyalists to the crown who were just as much residents to this land as the Patriots were. Many had to flee, and many were executed. We give a lot of glory to the War of Independence because it formed this great nation, but if it could have been done any other way we would have done that to save the blood and hardship caused by a war.

And of course comes the common canard of the anti-rights cult. They sure do like to drape themselves with the flag and say “I support the Second Amendment” while they express pure contempt to the freedoms we enjoy. No, you don’t have ANY respect for the US Constitution, and don’t go pointing your finger at US!

Lastly there is history. Governments do NOT disarm their people for public safety. There is no evidence this has ever happened. They disarm their people so they can do things to them that they would not do to an armed society.

Part of why this nation has those other “boxes” is because the government does not DARE take them away. You’ll see this discussion in blogs, and more often in forums where people ask “When do we get to start shooting?” The short answer is “Never”, because the triggers for an armed uprising are the government removing one or all of the other “boxes” from the hands of the people. Suspension of elections, rounding up persons without the backing of the law or jury title, or suspension of the 1st Amendment rights to express yourself and gather peacefully.

Now you see why the anti-freedom cult focuses so hard on guns. If we are armed they cannot do these things, but as history shows an unarmed people can easily have these rights stripped by a tyrannical government.

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2 Responses to Images of the Antis: False Argument

  1. dagamore says:

    Thankfully both the Jury box(us in it and the USSC) and the voting box have been working, and for the most part no one is trying to take away my soap box, so as it stands right now we dont have to resort to the ammo box, and that is a very good thing.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah, and even many of the 1st Amendment issues are getting favorable opposition. Everything from “Free Speech Zones” and Campaign Finance Reform are facing a lot of battles which implies they are NOT here to stay, or will get gross expansion.

      And yes that is a VERY good thing. The fact that we feel this way is an inconvenient truth the Antis would rather not exist.

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