Images of the Antis: Lies

This one is rich!

First up, Mass shootings are not on the rise, when you factor in the rate due to the population growth it’s on the DECLINE!

School Shootings generally aren’t, and our nation is only safer in recent years.

BTW how do South and Central Americans treat guns and gun ownership? Hmmmm I don’t think that’s the message this cartoonist was attempting.

And While We’re at it Have a look at this one:

Well except not. Looking at those “Unintentional Injuries” closer: Motor Vehicle accidents, drowning, falls, burns, are all more of a risk. The CDC doesn’t bother with firearms injuries because it isn’t a relevant number. Now in 0-17 years (CDC for some reason likes to lump in 18 and 19 year-olds as “Children”) cancer isn’t a big killer, it really doesn’t get nasty until we get older, so they MIGHT be right. Still Firearms kill a ZILLION TIMES more than meteor impacts, so obviously we should ban guns!

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8 Responses to Images of the Antis: Lies

  1. Jack/OH says:

    I’ll try a criticism of the lower, second image, maybe as seen by an ad agency thinking about landing the account.

    (1) “Not one more” is a phrase used by other organizations, too. Is there a possibility of legal action that would bar us (the agency) from using the phrase, and bar us from using visuals and copy that depend on the phrase? Does the client know of possible infringement and liability issues? If not, why not? (2) Is that a 6-year old, shoeless white girl in the middle of nowhere playing the assailant? I thought she was supposed to be a victim? Is her pose triumphal, or exactly what is her pose supposed to suggest?

    An in-house confidential criticism of that image could probably fill a pretty long memo. Weer’d’s already done some work on the very troubled copy.

    If I were an agency executive forced to accept this account, I guess I’d be stuck. But, I’d be very wary of what looks to be a very high-maintenance account.

  2. Jack/OH says:

    You got that right, bro’! If someone dropped that photo and copy on me, I’d just get the hell out of Dodge if I could.

  3. Cargosquid says:

    Both the school shooting increase AND the central American violence are lies.

    The Guatemalan Ambassador threw that lie out the door when asked about it.
    Their countries are NOT experiencing more violence.

    What you are seeing is Mexico and “coyotes” dumping Mexico’s illegal immigrants on our doorstep, knowing that they won’t return to Mexico.

  4. Roadkill says:

    The murder rate in the US is about 4.8 per 100k. The average for Central America is at least 30 per 100k and for South America at least 22 per 100k. The idea that the deaths in the US are anywhere NEAR the same level of those countries is moronic and deeply misleading. This guy is just a fucking scumbag hack. This place is virtually a paradise in comparison.

    • Jack/OH says:

      Roadkill, thanks for the reminder on CA and SA murder rates. I’m no expert, not even close, but I’d probably like to see a discussion about murder rates, gun murders, and national views on civil liberties, property rights, and citizen empowerment.

      My rough ‘n’ dirty thought is that countries with a low regard for civil liberties, property rights, and citizen empowerment would possibly be better off if they adopted the equivalent of a Second Amendment and, maybe, CCW.
      (Yeah, my thinking is very rough, but it’s a thought.)

  5. Tommy says:

    I can’t help but think that Oleg Volk would have made a similar picture to the second one (only with better trigger control) that actually empowered little girls like that one rather than highlight something like this.

  6. Pingback: Images of the Antis: Redoux | Weer'd World

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