Images of the Antis: Redoux

This is interesting. I just found a pair of images that had a remarkably similar message of other images covered here:

First up was from the other day:

Now in the first Image the American kids are trying to talk the South and Central American kids out of settling here because you KNOW America with all their guns, we’re so dangerous!

This one the US School kids are actually EVACUATING the country. First up, we keep talking about border security and a fence to keep people OUT not IN. It isn’t like Mexico and Canada have a huge problem with United States Illegal Aliens. Mexico has a problem with Illegal Aliens, but they’re all from Central America looking for the “Better” life in Mexico. Of course Mexico just trucks them to the Rio Grand and tells them to start swimming or they’ll kill them.

Of course given Mexico’s violent problem with the Cartels and that nation’s problem with Kidnapping (with the police often doing the dirty deeds!) I really don’t think those kids would be smart to head south to flee danger.

Really the only thing missing from this from this cartoon is having criss-crossing bullets flying over the US Side, because it seems that all anti-gun cartoonists the bullets in this country are like moths around a porch light!

Next up the cartoonist clarified a question I had.

Ahhh you see there is BLOOD IN THE STREETS and WILD WEST SHOOTOUTS (trademark: Anti-Gun hysteria) from open carry activists and the Stand Your Ground people.

First up, nope, no there isn’t, and second, as if they aren’t one in the same? but hey, Antis, you’ve never been right about your violent predictions before, so just keep making them! It never hurts to be opposed by fools when you’re fighting for your rights!

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