Images of the Antis: Too Good to Pass Up

Seriously this one is solid gold!

Baldr Children

Seriously, Jason, do you actually believe this?

I have guns BECAUSE I have a child whose only means of defense is what I and my wife can give. Because of that we have guns! Not “Sporting Guns” but honest-to-goodness made-for-killing-people guns. If somebody tries to harm me or any of my loved ones I will have the very best tools for defending us at hand. My daughter is worth it.

As for “Felons Obtaining Guns”, did I miss a memo where the NRA is for repealing GCA ’68? Its a crappy law, and need of revision, but overall its a law where its heart is in the right place. I subscribe to the philosophy that if somebody isn’t trustworthy enough to own a gun they shouldn’t be able to freely walk around the same streets that I do, but as a pragmatist we simply can’t lock up or execute every violent felon out there. On the other hand, somebody who is convicted of perjury like Martha Stewart is no more a threat to anybody’s safety than the dude on the corner who’s never been arrested for anything. Non-Violent felonies are a bit of a red herring in the idea of gun ownership.

Sorry Jason, put down the kool-aid cup (pun intended) but the NRA is still 100% behind all convicted felons never owning a gun. Still like cocaine which is 100% illegal for EVERYBODY spare the police per evidence, and a few research labs with DEA permits, people will still find ways to ILLEGALLY obtain blow. Note the emphasis on ILLEGAL. If the cops catch them, game over, and they will hopefully spend some solid time in the pokey. Of course our justice system sucks and we generally catch-and-release these scum.

Its not like little Jason cares about this fact, he just wants YOUR guns banned because he hates you with the fire of one-thousand suns.

And last is his little tag which I couldn’t help but include:

NRA you have no chokehold on me and I’ll vote against any politician that allows you to control them.

That’s the cool thing about our Republic. You can vote all you want. But you can only LEGALLY vote once (I’m sure Jason hates voter ID laws as much as the next “Progressive” for obvious reasons) which means your vote means statistically nothing. If you can convince a block of friends to vote the same way you can, then you’re a force to be reckoned with.

You can’t, because gun control is horribly unpopular, and you resort to lies like this to “persuade” others.

Meanwhile groups like your much-hated NRA use those pesky things like facts, and we CRUSH you in votes, and in the support of our representatives.

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4 Responses to Images of the Antis: Too Good to Pass Up

  1. Old NFO says:

    Sigh… Off the deep end again… EMOTION RULZE!!!

  2. Like most gun hater claims, this has a hint of truth mixed with about 10 gallons of horseshit.

    The gun grabbers are DESPERATE!! to stop the Georgia gun law. They just can’t let people in Georgia carry concealed handguns in churches or bars. This time they’re actually being accurate with the “guns in bars” claim as Georgia currently bans guns from places that serve alcohol where food is “incidental.”

    So the anti-gunners are casting about looking for anything that they can use to derail the gun bill. The one that they’ve hung their hat on is the provision of the bill that removes the requirement that someone using deadly force in self defense must comply with Chapter 11, Article 4, Part 3 of Georgia’s criminal code. Included in Part 3 is the section about felons in possession. The net effect of this law would be that someone who is doing something illegal like carrying without a permit or being a felon in possession gets a total pass on his other crimes if the shooting is ruled self defense.

    This sounds pretty obvious to the rest of us. Felons should not be required to stand by and allow people to kill them. If they do use deadly force to prevent an unlawful attempt on their lives, how would it be good justice to send them up the river for possessing the means to preserve their life? I think that most people would agree either that it’s a good thing for murders to be stopped, even if the victim is a convicted felon, or at least they would agree that it isn’t a deal breaker.

    In their usual style though, the anti-liberty crowd takes that little section of law, lies through their teeth, and screams “THE NRA IS ARMING FELONS!!!111Eleventy!”

    Media Mutters Against America reported it and Jason “Jim Jones” Kilgore is just repeating the talking points he was fed.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      And they miss the point that the immunity only exists in the instance of “Stand Your Ground” so the felon can still be asked to surrender their illegally held gun to the police…and if they aren’t the Police could easily get a warrant to find and seize the gun, and possibly any other gun in the felon’s possession.

      I wasn’t aware of that part of the law, and frankly it looks pretty good to me!

  3. Pingback: Lies of the Antis | An NC Gun Blog

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