Who Ever Thought This Was a Good Idea?

Texas Democrat Wendy Davis is cutting to the right:

Davis has said she supports expanding gun rights in Texas. In a statement to The Associated Press, she said that includes open-carry — a position that puts her at odds with her own party but could keep her from alienating gun rights advocates in a deeply conservative state where the Second Amendment is sacrosanct…

“There is little or no public safety justification for open carry,” said Emmanuel Garcia, spokesman for the Texas Democratic Party.

Kellye Burke, who leads the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, also opposes Davis’ position. She said the open carry of firearms, whether rifles or pistols, “is meant to be a sign of intimidation. It’s not about protection.”…

Still, gun rights advocates were skeptical. Texas State Rifle Association spokeswoman Alice Tripp noted Davis’ previous calls for more restrictions on gun show sales and past votes against allowing concealed license holders to carry their guns in classrooms and buildings on college campuses.

First up it’s most likely a lie, still what does she plan to gain with this?

John McCain, Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, and the list goes on. You give the people a choice between a fake Democrat, and a real one, they’ll simply vote for the real one, and the actual Conservatives will simply stay home. Why does she think this is different if a Democrat fakes Republican?

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4 Responses to Who Ever Thought This Was a Good Idea?

  1. Crotalus says:

    She want’s to get elected. After she wins, it will be “Open carry? Silly peons! I never said that!”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah but do people get elected playing this game?

      Scott Brown is a great example. Yes he was an ultra-liberal Republican, but he got elected running as a hard-line conservative against an ultra-liberal, and then reneged on all his promises. Once it was known what a “Progressive” he was, he got beat handily by total-idiot Elizabeth Warren, because people who were interested in voting for a “Progressive” would vote for Warren, and people looking to vote for a Conservative just didn’t vote because there was nothing for them on that ballot.

      I just don’t see this as a winning tactic, personal convictions and reality not even considered.

      If people want a pro-carry pro-gun Conservative, won’t they just vote for Abbot? And if somebody is Democrat, even a moderate one, why would they be interested in Davis at all?

      Just seems she’s opening the sea cocks on her campaign as we all watch.

      • The Jack says:

        It does seem to be a desperation move.

        Given she’s on the record in the past of wanting to “close the gunshow loophole” and even ban gunshows from certain venues.

        My guess is that she’s trying disperse chaff. Get people talking about this, get the rubes to think she’s “one of them”. Eliminate a “difference” between her and Abbot.

        It’s probably like Obama’s claim he was against gay marriage on the campaign trail. It was a distraction and a”normalization” while assuring his supporters that he was still pro gay marriage.

        Heck, Davis has even abandoned abortion as an issue on her campaign site.

        Course her whole run has been shoddy. I mean they didn’t even do the basic oppo research to make sure that phrases such as “walk a mile in my shoes” or “my opponent doesn’t know what hardship is” wouldn’t be red-lined.

  2. Bob S. says:

    From personal experience; I doubt she truly supports Open Carry. She has not co-sponsored the legislation at any time in the past. Nor did she even agree to support it the last 2 legislative sessions.

    If I remember right, she claimed to support Campus Carry — and then added an amendment that would have allowed campus administration to allow it or not. Does that sound like someone concerned about 2nd Amendment Rights?

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